Jamun Benefits: Everything You Know and Everything You Don’t | AamRus

Elena dobrev
3 min readAug 28, 2019


Ever since we were little, our parents constantly persuaded us to eat a lot of jamun. That was primarily because of the multiple ways that jamun benefits us.

Jamun, which is also commonly known as black plum, Malabar Plum and Java Plum, is a popular fruit, especially during summers because of its taste. It has a sweet and slightly sour flavour, which is soft and fleshy.

The scientific name for Jamun is Syzygium Cumini.

Jamuns are a very rich source of:

  • Vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Proteins
  • Antioxidants
  • Flavonoids
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese

They’re also very helpful in fighting diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver problems and infections.

Apart from a few mentioned above, here are a few more jamun benefits which add to their popularity in a lot of households:

Jamun is low on Calories

Jamun contains very low amount of calories, which is one of the most significant jamun benefits. This makes it a very healthy option for a morning breakfast or an evening snack. They also help in improving digestion.

Jamun contains bioactive phytochemicals.

Jamun juice contains bioactive phytochemicals, which help in keeping the risk of cancer and liver diseases to a minimum.

Jamun Juice can be used as a mouthwash.

Jamun juice contains natural astringent, which helps to fight bad breath. jamun pulp can be used to treat diseases like gingivitis.

Jamun helps to purify the blood.

Jamun is a rich source of iron, which helps to purify the blood. It helps in increasing the haemoglobin level in your body. The high iron content also helps against menstrual problems as well, because it makes up for the blood loss.

Jamun helps to fight Anaemia and Fatigue.

The presence of iron in jamun has several benefits. It helps to cure anaemia and prevents body weakness and fatigue.

Jamun Helps to Boost Immunity

Jamun has so many medicinal properties that it can help in boosting your immunity if consumed regularly. It even prevents cough, cold, fever and tonsillitis.

Jamun is good for the heart.

The presence of potassium in jamun helps to prevent high BP, stroke, high cholesterol levels and other heart diseases.

Jamun improves eyesight

Since jamun is an excellent source of vitamin C, it dramatically helps to improve the eyesight. It helps the body to form and maintain connective tissue, such as collagen, which is found in the cornea of the eye.

If you don’t like eating jamun as fruit, there are always other ways to have it. For instance, it can be consumed in the form of jamun Pulp.

It retains all the benefits of jamun and also makes it easy to consume for those who don’t prefer to have it in its natural form.

The Magic Of AamRus

You must be wondering that even though jamun pulp sounds nice, where to get it.

The Answer is AamRus.

AamRus 100% natural jamun pulp brings all the jamun benefits to you all year long. Its is available in multiple sizes, which makes it easy to store and use at home.

Use this jamun pulp to create fabulous recipes for you and your family and give them a surprise of fresh taste along with many health benefits.

The popularity of jamun has remained constant for a very long time in every household. Its multiple health benefits, distinct taste and texture give it an extraordinary uniqueness. Not just in India, people all around the world enjoy the taste and take advantage of its health benefits to the fullest.

Now you know what the best option to satisfy your taste cravings without the guilt of consuming something unhealthy is. Eating jamun should be a daily exercise, not just for you, but for your entire family as well.

AUTHOR : Sshekhar Jha

