Why Jetpack Compose is not enough for you as an android developer?

Yep thats the future but View System is not going anywhere believe me!

Dobri Kostadinov
4 min readMay 2, 2024
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Jetpack Compose, with its innovative, declarative approach, is revolutionizing Android UI design. It promises a more streamlined, efficient process for developing user interfaces, fueling its reputation as the future of Android development. However, despite the allure of Compose, many developers continue to rely on the traditional View System — a testament to its enduring relevance in the industry. This article explores why both systems are essential, providing a balanced perspective for current and aspiring Android developers.

The whole point of this article is to try to convince you that you need to know ‘View system’ today. You need to know it in the next couple of years as well. And if you are beginner learning just Compose is not enough. You need the ‘View System’ too!

Understanding the Landscape

Jetpack Compose simplifies UI development by allowing developers to describe what their UI should look like, based on the state of the app, rather than painstakingly mapping out the process of constructing the UI. This shift towards a more intuitive coding style is appealing, especially for new projects and developers who prefer a more readable, concise coding approach.

However, the traditional View System, established over more than a decade, has deep roots in Android development. It offers robustness and stability that come with extensive documentation, a vast array of third-party libraries, and an experienced community. These resources are invaluable, especially when tackling complex projects or maintaining legacy applications.

The Practicalities of Adoption

Transitioning to Jetpack Compose isn’t merely about adopting a new technology — it’s about rethinking how Android applications are structured. This can be a significant shift for existing projects and teams accustomed to the traditional View System. Many organizations choose to maintain their existing codebase due to the high costs and risks associated with rewriting applications. For these reasons, a hybrid approach, where both systems coexist, is often more practical.

Jetpack Compose in Practice

While it’s beneficial for new projects due to its efficiency and the modernity it brings to development practices, Jetpack Compose still faces challenges in terms of integration with older technologies and libraries. Developers need to find workarounds or wait for the ecosystem to mature, which includes more comprehensive support for all existing Android capabilities.

The Case for the View System

The View System isn’t just about legacy support; it’s about leveraging a proven, battle-tested framework. For complex interfaces that rely heavily on intricate interactions or those that integrate closely with lower-level Android functionalities, the View System often provides a more controlled environment. Moreover, not all third-party services and libraries are yet fully compatible with Compose, necessitating a fallback to the traditional approach.

Educational Perspectives and Career Considerations

For newcomers to Android development, learning both Jetpack Compose and the traditional View System offers the most comprehensive skill set. Educational institutions and training programs continue to teach the View System due to its foundational role in Android development, ensuring that developers have a well-rounded understanding of all facets of the platform.

Industry Insights and Trends

Anecdotal evidence from my career and discussions with peers suggest that many companies, especially large corporations with multiple ongoing projects, still rely predominantly on the View System. These companies may experiment with Jetpack Compose for smaller modules or new projects, but the core of their development work remains tied to the traditional methods. This slow migration ensures stability and continuity while still fostering innovation where feasible.


Jetpack Compose is an exciting development in the Android ecosystem, and its adoption will likely continue to grow. However, the traditional View System remains a critical component of the industry. For developers, being proficient in both systems is not just an advantage — it’s becoming a necessity. As the landscape evolves, this dual expertise will equip developers to handle a broader range of projects, navigate transitions smoothly, and make informed decisions about when and how to integrate new technologies into their work. This balanced approach will not only enhance their capabilities but also prepare them for the future of Android development, whatever it may hold.

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Dobri Kostadinov
Android Consultant | Trainer
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Dobri Kostadinov

15+ years in native Android dev (Java, Kotlin). Expert in developing beautiful android native apps. Working as remote consultant in W. Europe.