Fun with JavaScript Proxy

Sascha Dobschal
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


JavaScript Proxies are pure sugar 🍯 when you want to build some generic logic in your applications to make your life easier. Here is one example:

Client Server Communication

We are using a JavaScript Proxy instance on the client side as a wrapper around an HTTP (network) service. The final usage will then look like:

await server.saveUsername(username); // 🚀

The Proxy instance server is taking the called property key saveUsername and makes an HTTP request to the real server with the given data. The proxy implementation looks like:

export const server = new Proxy({}, {
get(_, key) {
return async (data) => {
return await makeHttpPostRequest(`/${key}`, data);
}); // 😮

The HTTP request itself can be sent via the native fetch method or any library like axios.

On the server side we can do some nice implemenation too, to map this structure. In your NodeJS (Express) server app just method all API methods, so that they can be called by the client via the proxy. That looks like:

// Load all API methods
const api = require("./api.js");

// Construct the express server app
const app = express();

// Listen for incoming HTTP POST requests
Object.keys(api).forEach(methodName => {`/${methodName}`, api[methodName]);

The logic shown above maps all methods from api.js so that we are listening for incoming POST HTTP requests with the method name as path.
For our example the server side implementation would then look like (api.js):

module.exports = {
saveUsername(req, res) {
// TODO: save username
success: "true"

So, whatever method you put into your api.js file, it’s immediately available from the client side. That way you save time and the code looks nice and clean.

Get The Code

Here is the code on GitHub:

Here is an explanation video:

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Thanks! ❤️

