Top 10 Home Renovation Tips To Increase the Value of Your Investment Property

3 min readAug 10, 2023

Home renovation goes beyond just enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of a property; it’s a strategic maneuver to increase its value, especially in the context of investment properties. Whether you’re looking to sell, rent, or simply elevate your property’s worth, here are ten renovation tips that will help you achieve your goal.

Assess the Property’s Needs

Before embarking on any renovation project, a comprehensive assessment of the property is essential. Identify areas that demand immediate attention such as outdated appliances, worn-out flooring, or peeling paint. This assessment serves as a blueprint for your renovation plan.

Elevate Curb Appeal

First impressions carry weight, making the enhancement of your property’s curb appeal pivotal. Repainting the exterior, landscaping the front yard, and updating the front door and windows can substantially elevate the property’s overall visual impact.

Revamp the Kitchen

Often regarded as the heart of a home, the kitchen holds sway over potential buyers and tenants. Upgrading appliances, installing modern countertops, and adding new cabinetry can rejuvenate the kitchen’s look, making it more appealing.

Transform Bathrooms

Similar to kitchens, bathrooms wield significant influence over a property’s value. Opt for chic fixtures, high-quality tiling, and thoughtful lighting. A well-designed bathroom can sway a potential buyer’s decision.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency

Investing in energy-efficient upgrades is a double win: it lowers utility costs and appeals to eco-conscious buyers. Think about energy-efficient windows, LED lighting, programmable thermostats, and well-insulated walls.

Embrace Open Floor Plans

Modern homebuyers favor open and airy layouts. If the property’s layout permits, consider removing walls to create a more expansive feel. This can make rooms appear larger and more versatile.

Upgrade Flooring

Outdated or damaged flooring can significantly diminish a property’s value. Opt for hardwood, laminate, or high-quality tile to give rooms a contemporary and rejuvenated appearance.

Freshen Up with Paint and Finishes

A fresh coat of paint can perform wonders in revitalizing a space. Opt for neutral, attractive colors that can appeal to a broad range of potential buyers or tenants. Moreover, updating door handles, light switches, and faucets can add a sophisticated touch.

Add Extra Space

If feasible, contemplate expanding the property’s space. This could be achieved through a modest extension, a transformed attic or basement, or even a well-designed outdoor living area. Extra usable space often translates to elevated property value.

Prioritize Regular Maintenance

Lastly, the significance of consistent maintenance cannot be overstated. Maintaining the property’s condition helps prevent minor issues from snowballing into major problems. A well-kept property speaks volumes about its value and desirability.


In conclusion, a strategic approach to home renovation in London can significantly amplify the value of your investment property. By addressing key areas, enhancing the property’s visual appeal, and incorporating energy-efficient and modern upgrades, you’re not only increasing its market value but also attracting potential buyers or tenants. Remember, investing in your property today, with the exceptional craftsmanship and innovative solutions offered by Dobuild, can yield substantial dividends in the future.

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