DocCoin Smart Contract is the Best Service You Can Trust in the Digital World

Doc Coin
4 min readJul 4, 2018


Trust is the main thing in human relationships of all kinds: working, personal or financial ones. Mutual trust is especially important when it comes to health. If a client does not trust a Health consultant, it is highly unlikely that the client will ask the consultant for treatment. So, how can a consultant earn this trust?

In the real healthcare world the trust can be earned by a doctor by his or her experience, knowledge, clients’ references or personal connections, but in the digital world the matter is much more complicated. Every day in the Internet millions of transactions with strangers maybe from another part of the planet are made. Why would somebody give a total stranger her or his money and personal information? There must be a good reason for this, and just having some references is not enough. People need a service to trust.

The answer to the question is simple, and this is online Health Consultations System and smart contract developed by DocCoin specialists. This is an opportunity to fully protect both sides. This is a contract which cannot be violated whether intentionally or otherwise.
To make it simple, ‘smart contract’ is an algorithm for transmitting data reliably and confidentially, without any specific intermediaries (banks or government agencies) involved. Health services payments made by means of DocCoin cryptocurrency gives a client 100% confidentiality and full freedom of the payments from external control. Such highly reliable transactions are available thanks to Ethereum blockchain environment. Data transfer made by means of a smart contract is completely transparent, traceable and irreversible, but at the same time impersonal from outsiders. After a conclusion of a contract, neither party will be able to make changes to the data or change the conditions on their own, since all of the data are recorded in a chain. In this chain each block of data refers to the previous one, and so, nobody can remove the block from the chain. This is why the blockchain system is gaining popularity as the most secure and reliable data transmission mechanism, both for small companies and corporate giants.

However, no one is immune from disagreements and controversial issues. Conflicts happen, this is an integral part of any business and relationships between any buyer of services and a seller of the services, and in the case of online Health Consultations it means conflicts between a health consultant and a client.

When developing our smart contract software DocCoin specialists were taking this issue into account. If a consultation does not satisfy a client, instead of just confirming the payment the client can use an arbitration, and this way he will have an opportunity to challenge the payment. The DocCoin company has taken care of protection of clients and prestige of health consultants. Only those clinics that are truly professional and fully confident in their services’ quality are ready to provide clients with such guarantees, and, as we have already found out previously, guarantees equal trust.

After opening a dispute an appointed arbitrator will carefully investigate the case and will take an objective decision in favor of one of the parties.

It is noteworthy that in turn 100% advance payment protects the side of health consultants. If a consultation was provided at a professional level, then due to the terms of the transaction specified in the smart contract, the customer cannot refuse payment for the services provided. Besides, a client will not be able to send money to a health consultant who is offline, since the smart contract protocol requires confirmation of two parties. This will save clients a lot of red tape with returns of funds and losses of time for clarification.

By using DocCoin smart contract you get an opportunity to expand your business quickly and effortlessly by means of new technologies. You do not need to spend time and money on developing and implementing software, its maintenance and improvement. We offer a final product and assume all the responsibilities for its maintenance and security. We are so confident about our skills and about the efficiency of DocCoin smart contract that we offer you a year of our services for absolutely free of charge!

So, let’s list the advantages of DocCoin smart contract for online Health Consultations.

It guarantees for clients
- 100% protection of payments,
- confidentiality,
- transparency of payment terms and services,
- quick help of qualified specialists,
- convenient payment terms,
- the opportunity to challenge payment in arbitration.

For health consultants and counterparties:
- an additional source of income,
- new customers,
- quick confirmation of payment,
- 100% payment for services,
- free connection to smart contract,
- competitive advantage without significant efforts,
- the whole year of smart contract use for free of charge.

There is no doubt whatsoever that telemedicine is the future of health care. Let’s agree, that it is much more convenient to get a quick health consultant advice without leaving your house, than wasting your precious time standing in a long line, filling out a pile of papers etc.

Modern technologies and DocCoin smart contract among other things allow people to use the Internet resources safely and conveniently for not wasting their time.

In our modern, dynamically changing world, those will be ahead of others who can not only offer current services to their customers, but also to anticipate their wishes. This can be done only on condition of full trust, meaning here trust between client and consultant, buyer and seller, user and service. This trust can be ensured with the help of DocCoin smart contract!

More info on DocCoin website

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