Instruction “How to use web application Doc in Pocket?”

Doc Coin
7 min readDec 6, 2018


We have prepared instructions for our web application Doc in Pocket so you can easily use it.

The Doc in Pocket program works in the Ethereum Blockchain system on a smart contract. All calculations take place in DOC cryptocurrency. Therefore, before using our program, make sure that the laws of your country does not prohibit you owning a cryptocurrency.
DocCoin does not collect or store personal data of users. The results of the consultations are known only to the consultant and the client.

To work with our service you will need:

1. Opera / Firefox / Chrome browser (one of)
2. MetaMask Browser Extension
3. ETH on the balance of the wallet for paying commissions (preferably from 0.06 ETH, you can purchase ETH through the MetaMask extension)
4. Web camera and microphone (the browser and the Doc in Pocket page must have permission to use the microphone and web camera)
5. Permanent connection to the Internet

How to use MetaMask?

Check in this link

Where get DOC


For client:

Registration on the site.

1. At the bottom of the site, select the “Sing up” link.
2. Choose the password of the “Client” user
3. Fill in all fields and captcha.
4. A confirmation link will be sent to your email. The link should be opened only in the browser that will be used to work with the service.
5. After confirming your email, you can log in.

Filter and consultation.

Consultant Search:

DocCoin and the Doc in Pocket program do not have their own consultants, do not guarantee their qualifications, and do not patronize not one of them. All consultations are advisory only. Through the program, the consultant cannot prescribe medications and prescribe medication. DocCoin and the Doc in Pocket program are not responsible for the consequences of the consultation, for the quality of the consultation.

After authorization, the client goes to the page with a list of all consultants registered in the system.
Using the filter at the top of the page, you can refine the search by the following parameters:

• Specialization.
• Reward.
• The language of communication.

You can also choose a convenient sorting by rating, status or Reward.
Clicking on the consultant’s line will open a questionnaire. In it you can get acquainted with the information provided by the consultant himself, see his rating in the program and read the reviews.

For work with our program , you will need MetaMask extension with an active account. Due to the fact that the program works under the Ethereum Blockchaine protocol using a smart contract — opening, changing status and closing a smart contract is accompanied by commissions. Only five commissions — two from the consultant and three from the client.

For consultation, click the call button of your chosen consultant. After that you will go to the waiting page. The consultant will receive a notification that you want to contact him. When the consultant confirms his consent to the consultation opens a smart contract. You need for your part to confirm and pay for advice and commission.

You will be taken to the consultation page. In the upper part is a video chat, a text chat under it.

Text chat can only send text with a certain number of characters. All text above this number will be deleted.

At the bottom of the video chat, there are buttons for turning OFF/ON the video camera, turning OFF/ON the microphone, switching to full screen mode, end call button, a timer showing the duration of the consultation.

Remember that pressing the “Complete consultation” button will end the consultation and this action is irreversible.

When you completion of the consultation after some time you will receive a report completed by the consultant. At the end of the report there will be two links — “Arbitrage” (if you are unhappy with the consultation and report) and “Ok” (if you are satisfied with the consultation and report).


When you click on the link “Arbitration” you will see a window where you need to write why you are unhappy with the consultation, copy the text of the report that was sent by the consultant and click on the button for arbitration. You will need to pay a fee for changing the status of the smart contract. Further, communication with the arbitrator will occur via e-mail. Having specified all the necessary information from both parties, the arbitrator will decide in favor of one of the parties.

Completion of consultation:

If you are satisfied with the consultation, click on the link “OK”. On the page that opens, you can evaluate the consultation on a five-point system and, if you wish, write a review. To close the contract you need to pay a commission. After paying the commission, the smart contract will be closed, and the consultation will be fully completed. A client cannot have more than 3 incomplete consultations.

Password recovery.

To recover a password on the login page, click on the link “I forgot my login or password”. You will be taken to the password recovery page. You need to enter in the text box email from the account to which you want to regain access. On the specified email will be sent a link. Clicking on it enter the new password and repeat it in the second field. Confirm the password change and can log in to the Doc in Pocket program.

Account settings.

To change information about yourself, click the top of the window to your login. After that, you will be taken to the profile editing screen. When you finish editing your profile, click the save button and after you see a message that the profile has been saved, click the back button.

To select or change your account avatar, you need to click on the icon next to the login of the upper part of the screen and select a photo.

No picture or sound on Mac?

For consultant:

Registration on the site.

1. At the bottom of the site, select the “Sing up” link.
2. Select the password of the user “Consultant”
3. Fill in all fields and captcha. Remember that it is after reading your profile that the client decides to get a service from you or look further. Please complete it as completely as possible. The ability to attach a LinkedIn profile is designed to demonstrate the highest possible professional skills.
4. A confirmation link will be sent to your email. The link should be opened only in the browser that you will use to work with service.
5. After confirming your email, you can log in.

Consultation and report.

After logging in you go to the page with the “Start working” button. When you click on it, your status in the system changes to online and you become available for a call. When a client wants to consult you, the page will change and a ringing tone will sound. The page will display information about the client, provided to them at registration.

To beginning the consultation, you need to click on the “Answer” button and pay a commission to change the status of the smart contract. After payment from the client you will go to the consultation page.

In the upper part is a video chat, a text chat under it.

Text chat can only send characters in a certain amount. All characters above this number will be deleted.

At the bottom of the video chat, there are buttons for turning OFF/ON the video camera, turning OFF/ON the microphone, switching to full screen mode, end call button, a timer showing the duration of the consultation.

Remember that press the button “End consultation” the consultation will be over and this action is irreversible.

After completion of the consultation you will be taken to the page with the report form. The report form is a mandatory part of the consultation and you cannot miss it. The client receiving your report can complain to the arbitration or confirm the end of the consultation. After the arbitration or the end of consultation, the smart contract will be closed.

When the report form is completed and sent to the client, you can continue working with the system.

Password recovery.

To recover a password on the login page, click on the link “I forgot my login or password”. You will be taken to the password recovery page. You need to enter in the text box email from the account to which you want to regain access. On the specified email will be sent a link. Clicking on it enter the new password and repeat it in the second field. Confirm the password change and can log in to the Doc in Pocket program.

Account settings.

To change information about yourself, click the top of the window to your login. After that, you will be taken to the profile editing screen. When you finish editing your profile, click the save button and after you see a message that the profile has been saved, click the back button.

To select or change your account avatar, you need to click on the icon next to the login of the upper part of the screen and select a photo.

No picture or sound on Mac?

We hope using Doc in Pocket will be easy for you and will be able to make your life happier.

DoсCoin team.

