News — At The Edge — 8/18

Doc Huston
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2018


If future is about — AI hacking, stagnate wages & arms races — we are all in big trouble.


New genre of artificial intelligence programs take computer hacking to another level —

“The nightmare scenario for computer security — artificial intelligence programs that can learn how to evade even the best defenses — may already have arrived. ..[with] AI-driven programs can be trained to stay dormant until they reach a very specific target, making them exceptionally hard to stop….

Free artificial intelligence building blocks for training programs are readily available…[with] level of precision…available to those with far fewer resources than a national government….

‘[T]his is the next big thing….Whoever you personally consider evil is already working on this.’”

Real U.S. Wages Are Essentially Back at 1974 Levels, Pew Reports —

“[While] unemployment rate has been…record lows in recent years…[the] average wage…[after] ‘inflation’ has roughly the same purchasing power as it did 40 years ago….

[In] the past five years…wage growth has been between 2% and 3% annually. In the 1970s and early 1980s…when inflation was high, ‘average wages commonly jumped 7%, 8% or even 9% year over year’….

[In] real terms average hourly earnings peaked more than 45 years ago: The $4.03-an-hour rate…in January 1973 had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would today’….

[So] despite a few job categories…compelled by a tight labor market to nudge wages up a bit, this period of low unemployment has yet to improve the situation of average worker from where it was when President Ford was in White House.”

The Chinese threat that an aircraft carrier can’t stop —

“[Pentagon’s] 30-year planning cycle…[will] be launching aircraft carriers in 2048 — even though they’re highly vulnerable to attack [now]…in the dawning era of high-tech combat, and…China is poised to dominate it…[with] artificial intelligence, cyberweapons and robots that can operate on land, sea and air….

[U.S.] still largely wedded to…weapons of the past — superbly engineered (but super-expensive) aircraft carriers, bombers, fighter jets and submarines… familiar to Dwight D. Eisenhower….

Pentagon needs a large number of inexpensive, unmanned, expendable, autonomous systems that can survive in the new electronic battlespace and overwhelm any potential adversary..

‘[We’re] playing a losing game…[as] competitors are now using advanced technologies to erode our military edge…[and] becoming increasingly dire’….[I]n fiscal 2015, only 18 percent of the Pentagon’s research and development budget went to basic, applied and advanced research….

The biggest technological challenge…[is as] AI systems dominate warfare…[that] will ‘introduce important new risks of loss of control.’ Humans must be ‘maximally thoughtful and creative’ during design (and plan for failure), because these AI-driven weapons will have accidents and unintended consequences.

Wise policymakers must avoid a ‘Dr. Strangelove‘ world of unsafe killer robots and doomsday machines. America’s vulnerability to information warfare…[is because] information operations are how you take countries down….[So reached] a Sputnik moment for…our military.”

Saudi Puts Money on Tech as It Prepares for Life After Oil —

“Saudi Arabia has accumulated a stake in…Tesla Inc. for about $2 billion… and aims to be part of…pool that emerges to take the company private. That’s on top of a $3.5 billion investment in [Uber]…a $45 billion commitment to SoftBank…[and] $1 billion in Virgin Group’s space companies….[Also] Neom, a planned $500 billion [city]…[with] more robots than people…artificial intelligence, with the internet of things….

[Now] 60 percent of oil is used in transportation, which is also where the biggest technological changes are emerging….[The] $2 billion investment in Tesla is equivalent to less than three days of what it earns selling oil….

[Diversifying] away from oil is central to the government’s Vision 2030 program and investments by its sovereign-wealth fund…ultimately controlling more than $2 trillion…toward a ‘diversified, knowledge-based economy’ by investing in ‘those sectors and technologies that are driving progress on a global scale.’”

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May you live long and prosper!
Doc Huston



Doc Huston

Consultant & Speaker on future nexus of technology-economics-politics, PhD Nested System Evolution, MA Alternative Futures, Patent Holder —