Docketeer XVII: Transforming with Security

3 min readDec 21, 2023

Co-Authored by: Chelsea Lau, Giovanni Cortes, Jade Chan, Jessica Grant Robin Zhang

As of the past few years, Docker and Kubernetes continue to be powerful pioneers in the world of containerization and orchestration. With recent trends focusing on security, multi-platform support and developer experience, Docketeer is transforming alongside these powerful technological advancements. With the upcoming launch of Docketeer XVII, expect to see dynamic enhancements in container security and a revamped interface and user experience.

Docketeer is a container management and visualization tool that enables easy access to container metrics and health monitoring. The latest release of an image dashboard with vulnerability scanning will enable developers to better secure and understand their containerized applications. Alongside the applications complete UI-makeover, using Docketeer to manage containers has never been more intuitive and comprehensive.

What’s new in Docketeer v17.0?

Security is paramount for Docker images and containers as it ensures the isolation and containment benefits of containerization, reduces application deficiencies, and maintains consistency across environments. Addressing vulnerabilities in Docker images is crucial for compliance with regulations, building trust with users, and protecting an organization’s reputation.

Our newest dashboard displaying image vulnerabilities offers developers early detection and mitigation capabilities, allowing for prompt fixes and prioritization of critical issues. Continuous monitoring through the dashboard ensures that security is an ongoing process. This collaborative tool enhances communication within the development team, promoting collective efforts to strengthen the overall security posture of containerized applications.

Images Dashboard with Vulnerabilities Data

Design Updates

Docketeer’s latest UI updates represent a significant leap forward, emphasizing cohesive styling and heightened responsiveness to elevate and prioritize the user experience. The design enhancements seamlessly integrate a unified and aesthetically pleasing visual language, fostering a sense of continuity throughout the interface. The visual updates not only enhance the visual aesthetic of the application, but contributes to a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation experience. Additionally, the heightened responsiveness ensures a seamless and adaptive interaction across various screen sizes, emphasizing Docketeer’s commitment to delivering an optimal user experience regardless of the user’s platform.

Looking Ahead

As Docketeer looks ahead to future enhancements, a primary focus lies on refining its Kubernetes metrics dashboard to offer users a more comprehensive and insightful view of their containerized environments. The aim is to provide richer data visualization and analytics, empowering users with valuable insights for efficient management. Additionally, Docketeer is exploring the implementation of caching mechanisms, leveraging Redis, to optimize performance across various features. By integrating caching, the platform seeks to enhance speed and responsiveness, delivering a smoother user experience.

Thank you for keeping up with our journey and please look forward to future updates and continued improvements!

Check out our Website, Github, or LinkedIn for additional information, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Docketeer 17.0 Team🐳:

Chelsea Lau: LinkedIn || GitHub

Giovanni Cortes: LinkedIn || GitHub

Jade Chan: LinkedIn || GitHub

Jessica Grant: LinkedIn || GitHub

Robin Zhang: LinkedIn || GitHub

