Introducing Docketeer XVI: The Journey Continues

3 min readNov 16, 2023

Co-authored by: Alicia Zhang, Gabriela Pleitez Gomez, Peter Chung, Wei Wang

In the dynamic area of containerization, where precision and efficiency are critical, Docketeer stands out as a game-changing extension for Docker Desktop. Docketeer delivers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for both developers and DevOps engineers, serving as a robust visualizer for Docker. Docketeer’s origins started as a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for container CPU and memory visualization. Docketeer has since extended its capabilities to seamlessly manage containers, networks, images, snapshots, volumes and more.

Docketeer continues to empower users to effortlessly navigate and optimize their Docker environments, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience. In the latest release, the Docketeer team is excited to announce our latest feature, Snapshots!

Snapshots 📸

The new addition of Snapshots allows users to effortlessly capture instances of container metrics at any given moment. With Snapshots, users gain the ability to view and compare previously saved health metrics. The side-by-side dashboards facilitate easy comparison of essential metrics, including CPU Usage, Disk Space, Memory, Swap, and Available Memory.

Visualization of Snapshots feature in use

The feature’s capability to compare previously saved health metrics is vital for maintaining the performance and reliability of containerized applications in dynamic and scalable environments. These health metrics offer valuable insights into potential issues and the overall performance within Docker containers. Users can leverage metric comparisons to detect abnormal behavior or performance degradation. For instance, viewing metrics such as CPU Usage empowers developers and DevOps engineers to optimize resource allocation, ensuring each container has sufficient resources to run efficiently without compromising the overall system performance.

This tool provides a simple and convenient way to review past health metrics, offering users a comprehensive understanding of their containerized environment’s historical performance.

Database Integration 🗄️

With the introduction of Snapshots, Docketeer has implemented a PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL is ACID compliant, reliably ensuring that user saved container metrics will maintain data integrity and consistency. The current release has been configured to only save and retrieve container metrics. However, with the integration of a database, future releases will allow users to delete past saved metrics. Furthermore, the database will be expanded to integrate with other Docketeer dashboards.

Looking to the future 🚀

The team has added five key metrics to the snapshot feature, but due to time constraints, we were unable to add additional metrics. In the future, the Docketeer team expects to release further improvements on the functionality and responsiveness of buttons, specifically the buttons within the container tab. Finally, as a container management and metric visualization tool, we hope to implement a functionality to alert users when a metric reaches a critical threshold. This will ensure users are promptly notified of potential issues as they are developing.

Please look forward to future Docketeer updates, and join us on a journey where container management is simplified for developing, testing, and deploying applications!

Thank you so much!

Check out our Website, Github, or LinkedIn for additional information, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team as well!

Docketeer XVI Team 🐳:

Alicia Zhang: LinkedIn || GitHub

Gabriela Pleitez Gomez: LinkedIn || GitHub

Peter Chung: LinkedIn || GitHub

Wei Wang: LinkedIn || GitHub

