Top 5 Books That Successful People Read

DJ Coleman
3 min readOct 26, 2018


Warren Buffet spends 80% of his day reading, Bill Gates reads 50 books a year, Elon Musk read for 10 hours everyday before he became the CEO of Tesla.

If you really look at some of the wealthiest people in the world they all have one thing in common. The are an avid reader. They don’t just read the book they implement it into their daily lives.

I recommend all of these books and watch you mindset change for the better.

Rich Dad Poor Dad, By Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad is my favorite book, and I can say it changed the way I think about employment and investing. Robert Kiyosaki wrote the book in a way that everyone could understand and take something from it.

In this book, Kiyosaki tells the story of his two dads one rich and the other poor. One of them graduated with an PhD from Stanford and the other dropped out of high school. One struggled paycheck to paycheck and the other became one of the richest man in Hawaii. This is most definitely a must read.

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

This book was published in 1937, and is one of the greatest self-help books of all time. It describes important principles for personal achievement, growth and development. Napoleon Hill came up with the idea after interviewing Andrew Carnegie.

How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People contains the most essential principals of social interaction and highly effective techniques of dealing with people. If you have trouble dealing with conflicts, arguments, or just want to better your people skills this book is for you. Dale Carnegie will teach you how to make your enemies your friends and influence those around you.

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey

If you want to take steps to changing your habits or need some extra motivation then check this book out. The 7 Habits helps people to aim what he or she values the most and then, after landing on that then, put those values into action in daily life. The 7 Habits helped me from being lazy to more productive and thoughtful as a person.

The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas Stanley & William Danko

The Millionaire Next Door explains to readers that anyone can become a millionaire. This will give you the fundamental formula on saving and earning money. Most millionaires live below their means and invest the rest. Shouldn't we learn how to do the same?

How to use what you’ve learned

All five of these books are golden and reading at least one gives you some nuggets. These books are here to help you grow and change your thinking like they have to mine and many others.

Don’t just read these books, but implement the lessons. That is how one becomes successful.

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DJ Coleman

Full Stack Web Developer Student @ Lambda School and Co-Founder @