Six GenAI Use Cases That Will Increase Efficiency and Productivity in Your Business

5 min readAug 2, 2024


Here are six ways GenAI can make your business more efficient, enabling the team to achieve more with less.

We’ll describe each use case generically and then explain how it can be achieved using Docq to paint a clearer picture of how a solution would work.

Photo by Amr Taha™ on Unsplash

Company Lingo Explainer

Employees can quickly look up the in-context meaning of terms and TLAs used by your company.

Every company has language that has a specific meaning within the business. This is a challenge for new employees and tenured ones during cross-department interactions. If a new employee comes across a term they don’t know in a document or during a meeting, they can quickly get an explanation using a GenAI system.

How: This requires a RAG-based GenAI system (see What is RAG?) with access to internal company documents.


  • Helps new employees engage in productive work and contribute sooner, in days/weeks not months.
  • The quicker employees feel confident and contribute value, the happier they will be.

With Docq: Docq admins can create a shared Space and populate it with one or more lingo documents. Spaces can be made and connected to various other repositories of information. An employee can then ask Docq the question via the Slack bot or Chrome extension to get the answer instantly.

Product Marketing Assistant

This use case is mainly relevant to companies with technically complex products and extensive product documentation that is not feasible to read from start to finish. Its goal is to empower product marketing teams to quickly extract necessary knowledge from the product documentation and create initial marketing content without having to schedule meetings with the product development team.

How: This calls for a RAG-based GenAI system that enables users to upload a large product manual (PDF, etc.) or provide an intranet URL. The system should be capable of tasks such as summarization and Q&A.


  • Reduce the amount of expensive collaboration meetings.
  • Make the process more efficient and speed it up. Finding availability to schedule a meeting between several people is hard and eats up calendar time which delays the outcome.

With Docq: setup a shared Space with the product manual and any other literature and information sources relevant to the product. The product marketing person can then simply chat with the Space to gain the information they need in the form they need. Using the Chrome extension or the web app would be the most convenient.

Sales Pitch Assistant

Salespeople can answer questions that they don’t know off the top of their heads during a sales meeting. Reducing the number of questions they take offline and follow-up. Q&A with your customised pitch deck and sales collateral during a sales meeting.


  • Make more progress during a sales meeting resulting in the overall deal progressing and closing faster.
  • make meetings more productive and valuable for prospects
  • Reduce time spent on composing follow-up answers.

With Docq: You would create a Space for each prospect and upload relevant customised collateral. You can also set up a Space product documentation. At any time you can quickly ask questions against these Spaces and get answers instantly.

New Employee Mentor

Give every new employee a personalised on-demand virtual mentor to help answer questions ramp up faster.


  • Get new employees fully ramped up and fully contributing to the business sooner.
  • Reduce onboarding load on other employees resulting in more time on their main job.

With Docq: The team responsible for learning & development and new employee onboarding can set up a series of shared spaces to house the employee handbook, general onboarding material, and role/department-specific onboarding material. The Company Lingo Explain would also be available to new employees. New employees can interact with Docq via the Slack bot, Chrome extension, or web app at any time to chat with the Spaces and get their answers and learn.

Platform Engineering Support Bot

Product engineering teams can get questions answered instantly via a Slack/Teams bot.

How: A RAG-based GenAI system is integrated into a Slack/Teams channel, email, or wherever the team’s current support process takes place. The GenAI system needs to be configured with access to documentation and any other relevant information sources for the platforms being supported. Product engineers can ask questions as usual and interact with the bot to get answers. The conversation is visible to humans in the channel. If the bot doesn’t resolve the issue after the initial interactions, a human can take over with access to the thread history for reference.


  • Reduce the support burden on platform teams that are already stretched.
  • Enable product teams to self-serve in more situations and stay unblocked, effectively reducing dependencies that require a human.

With Docq: The platform team can create a series of Spaces connected to the documentation available for each platform they support. The source for these could be a cloud drive, an intranet like Confluence, or docs sites in Github. Knowledge bases can also be connected to a Space. One or more Docq Slack bots can be configured and added to support channels. In each channel, the bot can be connected to a different Space Group to focus the responses. Users can drop into the channel and interact with the bot. These threads of conversation will be visible to platform team members enabling them to jump in if required.

Internal IT Support Bot

Employees get instant help to get unblocked and reduce the support burden on the IT team. This is essentially the same as a ‘Platform Engineering Support Bot’ above but for technical issues with an employee’s laptop etc.

Our Thesis

Combining your existing documentation and Generative AI can increase the efficiency and productivity of your business.

GenAI can unlock knowledge from existing documents, reducing the amount of dependencies between employees required to complete tasks. This reduces wait time. Therefore tasks take less calendar time to complete. That’s John not depending on Jane for some information and not having to wait until she returns from holiday.

The reduction in dependencies allows everybody to focus more on their jobs.

Sam from product marketing can extract knowledge from the 100-page technical product manual immediately to understand the product. This allows them to iterate on the initial drafts without meeting with the engineering team. The result is fewer expensive meetings and a shorter timeline because it’s hard to find availability for multi-person meetings, across time zones it’s even harder.




Private ChatGPT that securely unlocks knowledge from your business docs. Posts by Janaka Abeywardhana, CoFounder.