Are Online Medical Certificates Accepted? We Investigate

4 min readOct 30, 2023

Medical certificates are an important part of navigating health impacts on work, study, travel and access to services. But with telehealth booming during the pandemic, are online video consultations sufficient for medical certification needs?

In this extensive guide, we dive into the validity of online medical certificates in Australia — examining acceptance by employers, insurers, government agencies and beyond.

What Are Online Medical Certificates?

Thanks to telehealth services, Australians can now obtain medical certificates via online consultations, without attending a doctor’s office in-person.

You have a video or phone appointment, your doctor assesses your condition remotely, and issues a certificate digitally. Some key online medical certificate types include:

- Sick leave notes for missing work

- Return to work certificates outlining capacity

- Centrelink medical reports for welfare claims

- Fit to fly and travel certificates

- Prescription authorities for subsidised medication

While convenient, are these digital certificates seen as legitimate? Here we look at the recognition status across different sectors.

Employer Acceptance of Online Medical Certificates

For sick leave, online certificates are generally accepted by most Australian employers in public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Key factors making them valid include:

- Issued during a live telehealth consultation by an Australian-registered GP following assessment.

- Contains all required details — doctor/patient identification, dates of leave, nature of condition etc.

- Displays the doctor’s digital signature and provider number.

- Sent securely via email or patient’s online record platform.

However, employers retain discretion rights on medical certificate acceptance. For monitoring, some workplaces may still require in-person assessments after a certain time period or number of certificate instances.

The Fair Work Ombudsman confirms online certificates carry the same evidentiary weight for sick leave. But employers can follow up with the doctor if authenticity is doubted.

Insurance Company Acceptance

For total permanent disability or income protection claims, most major Australian insurers also accept telehealth medical certificates issued by qualified GPs or treating specialists.

The same validity criteria apply — live consultation, verifiable details, secure digital issue and signatures.

However, insurers generally reserve rights to request in-person medical examinations or assessments from approved practitioners to substantiate claims. So online coverage may be limited to initial certificates.

Government Agency Acceptance

Centrelink states online medical reports from telehealth consultations can be submitted to support claims for Disability Support Pension, Sickness Allowance and Mobility Allowance.

Issuing practitioners must be approved Centrelink assessors — usually your regular GP initially. Reports follow a standard format outlined by Services Australia.

For subsidised PBS medication, the TGA allows GPs to generate authority prescriptions remotely following telehealth consultations. Digital signatures are accepted.

While convenient, Centrelink and Medicare may still require in-person assessments in some circumstances for claims and approvals.

Travel Provider Acceptance

Airlines and travel operators take varying approaches to online medical certificates:

- Airlines often accept digital fit to fly reports for pregnancy and mobility assistance.

- Tour operators are more reluctant on remote medical clearances for activities like diving.

- Digital vaccine exemptions tend to need validation through Australian Immunisation Register data.

So acceptance is mixed — connect directly with your travel provider to confirm requirements.

How Online Medical Certificates Help Australians

For many Aussies, online medical certificates have proven invaluable especially amid the pandemic, by:

- Enabling certification when unable to attend a clinic in-person.

- Allowing quicker return to work with digital fit notes.

- Supporting welfare claims despite lockdowns or mobility limits.

- Reducing risks to vulnerable groups by avoiding clinics.

- Cutting certificate costs through bulk-billed telehealth.

- Providing faster healthcare access, often outside business hours.

With their widespread acceptance, digital certificates issued via telehealth give Australians important medical evidence to keep life on track while protecting wellbeing.

Are There Limitations to Online Certificates?

While now commonplace, there are some limitations on full reliance on online-only medical certificates:

- In-person assessments may still be required by some workplaces and insurers periodically.

- Centrelink and PBS approvals often depend on supplementary in-person reports.

- Travel operators can be selective on digital certificate acceptance.

- Doctors may feel less comfortable certifying some conditions like mental health remotely.

- Potential risks around certificate fraud and security with online issuance.

So full transition to telehealth certificates is not yet universally endorsed. Blended online and in-person certification may be the sweet spot.

Best Practice Tips for Online Medical Certificates

To uphold validity for telehealth medical certificates:

- Have a live video consultation so the doctor can assess you properly

- Use a registered Australian practitioner familiar with certification

- Request certificates directly during the consultation

- Have the doctor email securely to you/employer/ insurer direct

- Don’t just use an online form — speak to a real qualified doctor

- Check details like signatures and dates are complete

- Keep the original copy on file if needed for verification

- Follow up in-person if required down the track

What Does the Future Hold for Online Certificates?

The convenience of online medical certification is likely here to stay, with a few directions expected:

- Ongoing acceptance by more employers and insurers as telehealth becomes normalised.

- Tightened regulations around telehealth consult standards for certificates.

- Introduction of digitally verified blockchain certificates to prevent fraud.

- Expanded acceptance for government-subsidised supports.

- Closer integration with online patient management platforms.

- Potential for AI health apps to issue certificates after human review.

While still evolving, telehealth medical certificates provide a flexible certification option complementing in-person assessments where needed. With sensible safeguards, digital fit notes look set to simplify sickness, welfare and travel claims for Australians into the future.

Key Takeaways on Online Medical Certificates

- Telehealth allows convenient access to medical certificates without in-clinic visits.

- They are widely accepted for sick leave and insurance claims if meeting verification standards.

- Some employers and government programs still require in-person assessments periodically.

- Genuine video consultations are key — don’t just use online form templates.

- Fair Work supports the validity of digital certificates for sick leave from a qualified provider.

- Fraud risks need managing as online certification expands.

So are online medical certificates accepted? In most situations yes, though a blended approach is optimal. With integrated digital options and in-person oversight where warranted, certification can be accessed conveniently without compromising verification, for your essential health evidence needs.

