2 min readJan 24, 2017


The innocent blood of each of those aborted children will be on the hands of the people who provide the funds for these despicable acts of destroying life unless the people put a stop to it. You talk about these U.S. Funds as though they magically appear into the coffers of the United States Treasury. These sacred funds are taken out of the pockets of hard-working souls, most of whom are completely against this most heinous sin. It is an unruly evil that needs to be stopped once and for all. KEEP IT UP Mr. Trump, shut them down!!! Other than the exceptions to the rule, including incest and rape, if people exercised abstinence, chastity and self-control in the first place, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about now would they? Where is the responsibility? where is the accountability? Same as taking these sacred funds out of the sacred Treasury coffers to pay for these abominations such as sex change operations etc. The solution is not having the government Nanny fix people’s problems but for people to learn to govern themselves and to exercise restraint and when they are lawfully and legally married, children would be a sacred and beautiful blessing born the way they ought to be instead of having their tiny little bodies chopped, hacked and butchered by devilish butchers who call themselves doctors and nurses, YOU DESPICABLE CREATURES, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO ESCAPE THE INNOCENT BLOOD OF THESE PRECIOUS BABIES AT THAT GREAT JUDGMENT DAY, FOR THAT INNOCENT BLOOD ON YOUR BLOOD STAINED HANDS WILL STAND AS A BRIGHT TESTIMONY AGAINST YOU ON THAT GREAT AND LAST JUDGMENT DAY WHEN ALL MANKIND WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUDGMENT FOR THESE HEINOUS ACTS!!! THOU SHALT NOT KILL!!! There wouldn’t be any death to be worried about, there would be a whole lot less disease and passing around of sexually transmitted diseases. The primary responsibility of government is to protect the people from invasion but the government Nanny is now being used for just about all and sundry AND IT HAS GOT TO STOP. JUST STUDY EACH CAFR (COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT) OF YOUR COUNTY, STATE, SCHOOL DISTRICT, CITY ETC. THE UNITED STATES DEBT IS NOTHING BUT A FICTITIOUS LIE AND THIS WHOLE NATION IS BEING DECEIVED BY THE CRIMINALS THAT OCCUPY THESE FICTITIOUS SEATS OF SUPPOSED POWER!!! ALL OF THESE “GOVERNMENT” ORGANIZATIONS COMBINED HAVE GOT TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN SURPLUS WHEN ONE LOOKS AT ALL THE ENTERPRISES IN WHICH THEY HAVE CAPITAL INVESTED, THIS IS ORGANIZED CRIME AT IT’S VERY BEST!!! It’s time to get the Nanny’s hands out of the Master’s pockets. IT’S TIME TO PUT AND END TO THIS INSANITY!!! The government was created by and for the people and not the people for the government!!! Enough said.




Guitarist . Singer . Songwriter . Entertainer . Jingle writer . Traveler . God-fearing, freedom-loving, truth-seeking, optimistic, fun-loving family man.