Why should you get the best treatment for Hepatitis C and Irritable Bowel in NY?

Doctor Grosman
3 min readDec 27, 2018


Hepatitis C is considered to be a liver infection which is caused by the Hepatitis C virus. There are about 3.9 million people in the U.S who have this disease. Since it causes few symptoms, many people fail to know about it. There are many types of Hepatitis C virus where the most common in the U.S is type 1. None of them is more serious than any other but the types of Hepatitis C respond differently to the treatment. The illness also affects people in various ways and has many stages like incubation period, acute Hepatitis C, chronic Hepatitis C, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. The symptoms of Hepatitis C starts between 2 weeks and 6 months since the virus has entered the bloodstream and the patient can notice dark urine, fever, fatigue, jaundice, loss of appetite, joint pain, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.

The irritable bowel syndrome affects between 25 and 45 years of age to many Americans where mostly it affects women. Many people get it in their late teens and early 40s. Irritable bowel syndrome is a mix of belly discomfort or trouble or pain with the bowel habits where one might get diarrhoea or constipation or might have a different kind of stool. It is not considered to be life-threatening and one will not get any other colon conditions like colon cancer, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. But irritable bowel syndrome is considered to be a long lasting problem which changes how one lives their life. The people who are affected by irritable bowel syndrome can miss school or work more often and they also might feel less able to take part in daily activities. Some people might also have to change their work setting i.e. shifting to working at home or not working at all or changing the hours.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include diarrhoea, constipation, cramps or belly pains, bloating or a lot of gas, belly which sticks out, loose or hard stools, etc. Ample stress can also make the symptoms worse and some people might have sexual problems or urinary symptoms.

In order to treat the above diseases or conditions, one can opt for the best Hepatitis C Treatment in Bronx where one can also opt for the Irritable Bowel Treatment in NY.

One can also opt for an Endoscopy in Brooklyn NY where an Endoscopy is considered to be a nonsurgical procedure which is used to examine the person’s digestive tract. By using an endoscopy, which is a flexible tube with the light and camera attached to it, the doctor can view the pictures of the digestive tract in the colour TV. The doctors mostly recommend the endoscopy to evaluate the ulcers, stomach pain, digestive tract bleeding, polyps or a growth in the colon where the Endoscopy is also used to treat the digestive tract problem. So if you want to get the best Endoscopy in Brooklyn NY, you can choose the Triborough GI gastroenterology where they also offer Hepatitis C Treatment in Bronx and Irritable Bowel Treatment in NY.

For more information relating to Endoscopy Brooklyn NY here.



Doctor Grosman

Dr. Grosman has completed his residency internal medicine and fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at North Shore University Hospital/Long Island.