7 Steps Problem Solving Skill That Everyone Must Know

5 min readJan 7, 2024


We’ve all experienced situations where life takes an unexpected turn, leading to challenges that can make it feel quite miserable. However, there are individuals we come across who appear to navigate through life with ease, seemingly untouched by problems.

It’s tempting to attribute their smooth journey to luck or exceptional support, but the reality is that they possess effective problem-solving skills, allowing them to handle difficulties adeptly rather than succumbing to overwhelm.

1. The first step is to identify the true nature of your problem!

As absurd as it may sound, most of the time concern and fear cause us to lose sight of the main problem and worry about things that are not really threats.

“First and foremost, therefore, RELAX. Next, find out your true problem, not the perceived problem.”

2. Apply the Kipling technique-


Once you have identified the real problem, consider responding to these inquiries.

WHAT is the issue?

WHY is there an issue?

WHEN did the issue come up?

WHERE does the issue lie?

WHO is the issue?

HOW serious is the issue?

Write your answers to the preceding questions on a piece of paper. To ensure that there are no lingering questions, write them down in full. If you have any questions in between, be sure to spend some time comprehending the question so you can respond to it properly.

3.Come up with solutions and evaluate the potential solution.

The goal here is not to hunt for the ideal answer; as I indicated in a previous post perfection is a myth, the preoccupation with it will cloud your judgement and keep you from solving your problems.

Instead, come up with solutions and assess potential solutions. Just jot down any thoughts that occur to you that could serve as a solution. Whether it makes sense or not, just write it down without considering its applicability. For it is just this that distinguishes the two.

Most of the time, the answer is something very basic or insignificant, but because we have a habit of discounting everything that seems insignificant, we never find the right answer and instead move to a more difficult route.

4.Brainstorming with peer assistance.

Do not panic if you are at a loss for words and believe that there is no way to solve your issue. This is where your friends and family come in.

It’s okay to ask your family for assistance by explaining the situation to them; it makes no difference if it’s a work-related topic or something your family may never comprehend. Sometimes solutions that could save lives come from random feedback from random people.

There are several methods for brainstorming ideas:

a) Rolestorming-

It blends creative teamwork with role-playing.

By presenting concepts from a different angle, this is accomplished.

For example, someone could pretend to be the boss or another key figure in the issue. By taking on their perspective, this will enable them to comprehend their boss’s needs more fully.

b) Mental mapping-

It is beneficial to show an idea hierarchy and their connections visually. Typically, you begin with a main phrase, or “umbrella,” and then dissect it into more manageable parts. Use a mind map template to assist your team in visualizing the process if you’re not sure where to start.

c) Six thinking hats technique by Edward de Bono-

Every thinking hat stands for a particular lens, viewpoint, or way of thinking. Consider “wearing” several hats and considering the choice from each perspective.

What each hat is about is as follows:

· The yellow hat symbolizes positivity. Consider the advantages of this choice and the opportunities it presents.

· The green hat stands for innovation. Allow your thoughts to flow freely and without inhibition. Attempt to think of original ideas and solutions.

· Red hat pertains to feelings. What are your thoughts on this? Make use of your gut instinct and intuition. Consider the potential emotional responses of others.

· White hats force you to concentrate on the data. Examine the trends and data that are accessible. This is an extremely sensible course of action.

· The black hat stands for considering the negative. Which worst-case situations exist? Adopt a defensive stance, consider possible unfavourable consequences, and consider what might not work.

· The purpose of the blue hat is process control. For example, by adopting a new hat or perspective during the thought process or conversation.

5.Pick a strategy that has previously worked-

Yes, it is usually preferable to begin with something you are comfortable with and have used previously. This helps you feel less anxious since you will at least try something new instead of giving up before you’ve even started out of fear of an unfamiliar process. This will help you get started, at the very least.

6.Reversing the process-

There are instances when you have to decide on a problem solution and proceed backwards. Walk it backwards while applying all of the potential answers you have already come up with. Check to see if it produces the desired outcomes. Look for any gaps in it that could make the procedure more difficult.

Select the option that provides the anticipated response the quickest and most easily.

7. Sleep on it and let your imagination guide you-

Yes, there are problems that just cannot be solved. You may feel that there is nothing you can do in certain situations that they are a dead end. If none of the aforementioned remedies work in certain situations, JUST SLEEP. Since our thoughts are at their most creative while we sleep, and because you can occasionally solve problems while you’re asleep. This is accurate.

Edison and Einstein both took this action. They keep a book and pen by their bedsides and jot down their problems whenever they feel like they’ve reached a dead end before going to bed.

Sometimes they would simply wake up in the morning with an answer, and other times they would wake up in the middle of the night to scribble down some ideas they had.

Thus, consider your issues as you sleep.

If your problem is still unresolved even after this, you should just let fate and your imagination run wild. Things will eventually work themselves out on their own. Accept the fact that things won’t always go as planned and that the result might not be what you were hoping for or that it isn’t satisfying. That’s life. Because it’s important to be proud of your efforts to solve problems, whether or not they were successful.




DoctorKnowledge Geek:Psychiatrist by day, enthusiast and writer by night.