The Number One Reason Why Your Child or Teen Doesn’t Talk to You!

Dr. Lori Fishman
4 min readOct 12, 2021

Do you know the single biggest reason why parents fail to get their child to talk to them? The answer is so simple — and so common.

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And the scary part is, even if you try to gently ask your child how their day was, you can STILL be denied a good answer (think — “fine”).

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How do I know these things?

Because I have lived through every part of this process myself as the mother of a 13 year-old girl.

Also, I am a child psychologist specializing with girls ages 12–18 and yet I still have made this error over and over again!

So, here’s the number 1 mistake every parent makes…

They talk instead of lisenting.

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Let me tell you a quick story about how I saw this play out once…in my own life.



Dr. Lori Fishman

Top Writer in Parenting. Child Psychologist & Parent Consultant. Single Mom. Lover of 80’s Rock Music.