Top 10 Incredible Benefits of Ayurvedic Herb ‘Tulsi’

Dr. Sashina Ramnunan
5 min readApr 21, 2020

Tulsi also known as basil leaves, is a fairly common plant in Indian households. Considered holy by many religions, the Tulsi plant is revered for its divine properties.

Besides praying to the plant, a number of people advise including the leaves and roots of the plant in various medical decoctions.

With immense benefits right from clear skin to dissolving kidney stones, Tulsi is tonic for the entire body.

Here are the top 10 benefits of Tulsi

Cures a fever: Tulsi has very potent germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties that are great for resolving fevers. It has the potential to cure any fever right from those caused due to common infections to those caused due to malaria as well. In ayurveda, it is strongly advised that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction made of tulsi leaves. In case of a fever boil a few leaves of tulsi with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water( The proportion of tulsi to cardamom powder should be in the ratio 1:0.3). Let it reduce to half its total volume. Mix this decoction with sugar and milk. Sip every two to three hours. This remedy is especially good for children.

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Dr. Sashina Ramnunan

Ayurvedic Doctor. Medical Intuitive. Pranic Healer. Reiki Master. Vedic Astrologer. Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader. Past Life Regression Therapist.