Another Sad Wolf Story

Try as you might they keep coming back

Paul Vero
5 min readApr 24, 2024
Photo by Darren Welsh on Unsplash

On or around February 24, 2024, Cody Roberts, a Wyoming resident from the town of Daniel, ran down a wolf with a snowmobile. He inflicted enough injury upon the animal to disable it, rendering it incapacitated to the point where he could tape its mouth shut.

He takes this disabled wolf to the Green River Bar, likely suffering from severe internal injuries, showing it off to family and friends, allegedly torturing it (though some eyewitness accounts indicate no actual torture other then the fact this guy brought this critically, likely fatally, injured wolf into this bar — seems bad enough to me), apparently legal in Wyoming, then took it out back and finally kills the animal, putting the poor thing out of its misery.

The End Result

  • Mr. Roberts is fined $250 for possessing a live wolf. Yes, he only has to pay $250.
  • The wolf becomes another victim of wildlife subjected to cruelty.
  • Wolf advocates now have a poster boy for what’s wrong with the wolf management policy in the good Ol’ U. S. of A.
  • Wyoming, a beautiful, wild state that has some of the coolest and friendliest people has to deal with this black stain.
  • Organizations against animal cruelty of any…

