Scoot Airlines’ Flight to Data Excellence: Building an Enterprise Data Warehouse

3 min readMar 6, 2024


Fly Scoot Airlines, a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines, has always been at the forefront of innovation in the aviation industry. Known for its dynamic culture and commitment to safety and efficiency, Scoot identified a key area for enhancement: data management. This led to a pivotal collaboration with Aliz to develop a comprehensive Enterprise Data Warehouse, aiming to revolutionize their data analytics capabilities.

Project Overview

The project was designed to address the evolving needs of data management in the airline sector. Scoot, recognizing the significance of data-driven decision-making, sought to create an Enterprise Data Warehouse that could consolidate various data streams into a unified and accessible platform. Utilizing Google BigQuery and Talend, the project unfolded in phases, each focused on integrating and refining the airline’s extensive data assets.

Business Challenges

Scoot’s journey to enhance its data management system was compelled by a series of interconnected challenges. The airline’s data was spread across various systems, lacking effective interconnections, which made it challenging to form a cohesive and comprehensive data landscape. This fragmentation led to the absence of a single customer view, hampering the ability to track interconnected bookings effectively. Analyzing the profitability of flights, segments, and legs was a complex task due to the scattered nature of the data. Moreover, Scoot faced limitations in reporting flexibility due to the isolated nature of these systems, coupled with an absence of agreed-upon and unified facts and dimensions, which resulted in inconsistencies in data interpretation.

Solution Implementation

To navigate these challenges, a multi-faceted solution was implemented. The first step involved a collaborative effort with Scoot to define reporting requirements clearly, ensuring that the needs of various business user groups were comprehensively understood. Following this, the project focused on connecting and extracting data from each of the disparate sources, funneling it into Google BigQuery using Talend. This step was crucial for centralizing the data. The transformation of this data within BigQuery, achieved through SQL transforms, further organized and refined the information. Finally, an essential aspect of the solution was the creation of dimensions and facts in the Enterprise Data Warehouse tables. This step was instrumental in making the data not only consumable but also actionable for business users, facilitated through the integration of Tableau for data visualization and reporting.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of the Enterprise Data Warehouse at Scoot Airlines led to substantial improvements in data management and utilization. By consolidating fragmented data into a single, cohesive system, Scoot achieved a unified customer view, greatly enhancing their ability to track and analyze customer interactions and bookings. This integration proved vital in understanding and improving the profitability of various flight segments, a task previously hindered by scattered data.

The new data system also brought significant advancements in reporting capabilities. The flexibility and customization offered by the centralized data structure allowed for more nuanced and specific reports, tailored to the needs of different business units. This adaptability was a major step forward from the limitations of the previous isolated systems.

Additionally, the project brought uniformity and clarity to Scoot’s data landscape. Standardizing facts and dimensions across the system eliminated inconsistencies, fostering a more harmonized approach to data interpretation and strategy development across departments.

The deployment of Tableau for data visualization and reporting further empowered business users, making complex data sets accessible and actionable. This enhanced data engagement has fostered a more data-centric culture within Scoot, opening doors to informed decision-making and strategic insights.

Overall, the Enterprise Data Warehouse has not only addressed the immediate data challenges at Scoot but has also set a strong foundation for ongoing data-driven growth and innovation in their operations.


Scoot Airlines’ move to advanced data management with Aliz shows their commitment to using technology for better operational efficiency and decision-making. For more details on this project and its impact, the full case study is available for download here.




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