Addiction-Related Conditions and Their Treatment

Docudas Doc
5 min readAug 16, 2019


There are many concomitant conditions that cause addiction or are its consequences. The physical symptoms of substance use disorders are just one side of the medal as the mental side maters too. Anxiety, depression, and tiredness are some of the conditions commonly experienced by the addicted persons.

Addiction-related conditions can be substance-induced or substance-use disorders. Mental disorders like sleep disorders and psychotic disorders as well as intoxication and withdrawal are examples of substance-induced conditions. These are characterized by continued use of the addictive substance even when it causes problems at school, work, and in relationships.

Unfortunately, substance-induced conditions can change how the brain functions. This can lead to substance-use disorders as the effects of repeated use of the addictive substance. The consequences of this include intense cravings and repeated relapses. Fortunately, there are dual diagnosis treatment facilities that help individuals with substance-induced and substance-use disorders.

Addiction and related conditions are diagnosed when a person uses a substance, whether prescribed or recreational, excessively leading to significant distress or impairment.

Drug Addiction and the Human Body

Drugs affect the human body differently. How a drug affects a person depends on factors like their general health, body size, strength and amount of the used drug as well as whether a person has other drugs in their system.

The effects of drugs can be long-term or short-term. They can also be psychological or physical. Basically, drugs put the nervous system into an overdrive. They interfere with the process via which natural chemicals communicate messages between nerve endings within the body. When this happens, intoxication symptoms develop.

When a person is psychologically or physically addicted to drugs, the body requires its regular supply to feel normal. Many drugs have withdrawal symptoms like muscle pain, nausea, anxiety, fatigue, and depression which are uncomfortable. These symptoms are powerful and they can keep a person trapped in addiction for many years.

Fortunately, dual diagnosis facilities can help an addicted person get through uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. They do so by providing the support required to recover safely. While undergoing dual diagnosis treatment, patients learn about exercises, nutrition, and things that keep the body healthy.

Drug Addiction and the Human Mind

Continued use of addictive substances alters the way a person thinks. In some cases, addicts have more abundant negative thoughts. Lies and excuses become a normal part of their life. They change how they perceive the world and the way it has treated them. Maintaining their addiction becomes their first priority.

This change can be caused by the physical effects of the addictive substance. Some substances make users feel bold. Others distort the user’s judgment. For instance, some people believe they are not impaired after drinking and are therefore tempted to drive. When a person blacks-out and ends up in trouble, they may disbelieve reports of what they might have done under the influence. It’s this kind of thinking that gets some people in jail. Others end up in hospitals, in serious debts, or without homes.

Undergoing rehabilitation in inpatient dual diagnosis treatment facilities enables individuals to clear their minds and realign their priorities. They re-establish the most important things they may have pushed aside due to substance use disorders.

Why it is Important to Treat Both the Body and Mind

When suffering from the conditions caused by continued use of addictive substances, a person feels disconnected and broken. Their mind cannot think clearly. The body feels exhausted and abused. The aim of treatment therefore should be to get every part of an addict working together.

The powerful mind-body connection in humans plays a significant role in both poor and good health. According to the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, research has shown that psychological factors like depression and stress play a significant role in the development of illnesses like addiction, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.

This mind-body connection is a bond between the emotional and physical health, spiritual, mental, behavioral, and social health. Researchers continue to unravel this complex mind-body relationship with more doctors prescribing complementary therapies that round out treatment for different mental health conditions. Use of traditional therapies and complementary therapies is referred to as holistic approach.

What Practices Are Applied?

Long term dual diagnosis treatment centers provide places for addicts to reconnect with every part of themselves. They provide therapies and treatments that help an addicted person feel whole again. Being sober is not just about quitting the use of drugs. It’s about the harmony of the body and mind that comes with a healthy life.

As such, the best facilities take a holistic approach towards treatment. This approach involves different interventions, therapies, and classes that support healing of the whole person. There is no single treatment that works best for every addict. As such, the best treatment centers embrace different pathways that lead to recovery. And because different drugs affect individuals differently, the best facilities provide customized treatment plans on the basis of the unique strengths, needs and problems of patients.

Some of the applied practices include:

  • Traditional therapies- These are also called talk therapy. Traditional therapies enable individuals in recovery to change behavior patterns and dysfunctional thought.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy-This is a form of traditional therapy that helps in the identification of the behavior patterns and dysfunctional thoughts that perpetuate the addiction cycle and relapse.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy- This therapy helps in the development of coping skills while improving interpersonal relationships.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy- This is a therapy that enables a person to develop psychological flexibility by teaching them to make choices that improve their wellbeing while supporting their personal values.
  • Family therapy- Family therapy minimizes problems within a family system while restoring a household function.

Other practices applied include meditation, yoga, music therapy, art therapy, and adventure therapy.

The Bottom Line

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, effective treatment should address drug abuse and multiple needs that include the issues of the mind and body. Addressing the aspects of mental and physical health enables treatment to help an addict develop the lifestyle and skills that are needed to achieve long-term recovery. Paid and free dual diagnosis treatment centers help addicts heal the mind and the body thereby reducing the need to use the addictive substance. With better mental and physical health, individuals enjoy a higher sense of purpose, wellbeing, and overall happiness of a drug-free life.

