Tokenomics — Nodes — Staking — Rewards & more good stuff!

6 min readMar 27, 2022

*updated 5/21 to reflect final tokenomics

Hey everybody out there in Kadenaland!

We let the Twitter polls decide what our next article would be about and it was a close call! In 24 hours we got 63 votes; 54% of the people wanted to read about… you guessed it! Nodes, Staking, Tokenomics and Rewards!

So we’ll start from the top in a Q&A format.

How many tokens will be minted?

We’ll have a max supply of 1,000,000,000 / 1 Billion $DOC tokens. All minted on Kadena.

What will the circulating supply start at?

500,000,000 / 500 Million of the total supply will be released at our token launch. However, as you’ll find out soon, a lot of these tokens will be locked up for staking/node operations from the start.

Alright, how about the rest of the tokens?

The remaining 500,000,000 will be scheduled to release at a rate of 50,000,000 / 50 Million per year for the next 10 years. At that point there will be no more tokens added to the ecosystem.

So, at the token launch, how does the token distribution model look?

Well, i’m glad you asked! Here’s the break down:

140 MILLION $DOC tokens will be sold during the first round of fundraising through one of our Kadena launchpad partners. These tokens will then be staked with a 3rd party DEX partner to hold on to until we launch the token. These tokens will be receiving a yet to be determined APR for their staking during this lock up period. Of those 100 million, none will be provided to the Docushield team.

140 MILLION $DOC tokens will be sold during the second round of fundraising through one of our Kadena launchpad partners (at a bit higher of a rate than the first round and with none of the staking upside, so be on the lookout for our announcements). Of those 100 million, none will be provided to the Docushield team.

60 MILLION $DOC tokens will be released when our token hits the exchanges. They will be divided up between our exchange partners and locked away to provide liquidity for the exchanges and stability for the $DOC token.

We will also be pairing this with 25% of the KDA we were allocated in each round of fundraising. So if we raised 1 million KDA total between both rounds; 250,000 KDA would be paired up with the 60,000,000 $DOC and divided between our exchange partners to provide liquidity and stability. Ain’t that somethin?

50 MILLION $DOC will be distributed to our partners within the ecosystem to stake and operate nodes. This will help kickstart our decentralized node program to partners who we know will not just go and dump those on the exchanges the first chance they get. Our platform requires a lot of reliable community participation to operate at an optimal level, so it is important to us that we get this program rolling the right way.

All of these 50 million tokens will be locked in a multisig contract for a yet to be determined amount of time to remain staked for node ops, while slowly unlocking in a tiered vesting period agreement. This is to protect the stability of the token price while at the same time; rewarding our partners with the APR set.

$50 MILLION $DOC tokens will be held by Docushield in a public wallet and be utilized for online/in app and p2p sales; strictly for direct sales that are solely for the purpose of the utilization of the software.

For example: Your grandma wants to secure her birth certificate on Docushield because it’s a 100 year old piece of paper that’s about to turn to dust. However, she has no idea how to go onto an exchange and purchase $DOC to pay the security fee, so using one of our partnered fiat onramps, gram gram can pull out her bank card and purchase this directly from within the app on her phone. We want to be able to provide as few barriers as possible between the mainstream non crypto end user and the platform.

30 MILLION $DOC tokens will be stored away in our reserves vault and locked under a multi sig wallet until publicly declared statements are released with a plan for distribution. Of those on the multi sig, at least half will not be a member of the Docushield team, but trusted ecosystem partners.

And finally:

30 MILLION $DOC will be held in a public wallet and used for community engagement projects, such as bug bounties, grants, airdrops and whatever other cool opportunities come up within our little ecosystem to help support those around us while at the same time drive interest and engagement in the platform.

All tokes minted will have a direct path for utilization to help ensure the long term stability of the token. The last thing we want is extreme volatility when trying to attract a global market with a security solution. Wallet balances of each of these allocations will be separated and made public on a dashboard with multiple iframes or graphical representations of data collected with our API to show the current balance and previous transactions.

As a security solution, trust is our number one priority, and the only way to earn that trust is through transparency and hard work. And we look forward to providing both!

We’ll provide the same details and transparency for the allocation of seed money raised in our launch, but we’ll get to that topic in a later post.

Ok, cool. Now, how can we get in on the action?

You in the community will have a couple ways to participate in our little ecosystem.

  1. Object Operators or O-Node Operators: We will be running a total of 3 separate and private IPFS networks with 2 levels of contribution; one as a transaction validator which will require less resources and another as a storage facilitator. APR is yet to be determined.
  2. Privacy Operator or P-Node Operator: These positions will be for participants who undergo a vetting process and become approved to run clusters that contribute to the validation of transactions that take place on Kuro, our layer two Kadena compatible solution. APR and vetting process is yet to be set to a level where we feel confident enough to communicate it to the public.
  3. Staking: Docushield will also offer the community options within our platform. More details to come as we solidify the details.

Most of the APR’s will be driven by market demand, so we wont jump into any numbers too soon. This is more to lay out the game plan. We can focus on the exact numbers the closer we get to our public launch.

We hope you enjoyed this read and as always; we welcome any feedback! Good or Bad, it don’t matter, give us both! We want to know your thoughts and ideas, because it may be the missing link we were looking for to help take us to the next level.

We can’t wait to share the finer details of our security protocol with you later this week.

Stay tuned!

PS. We’re also launching an email service that we’re hosting from our private servers. We’re taking a boxed solution and completely beefing it up with some cool additions and added security. You can have your own webmail account with with “” to show your support! We’ll be using the funds raised to help raise more marketing capital for Docushield. Every little bit helps when you’re trying to compete with the big boys! We’re starting beta testing this week and should have accounts available by the weekend! Visit our Twitter for updates

