Dodo the Black Swan

Dodo the Black Swan
3 min readJul 21, 2023


$DODO is an ERC-20 meme token, powered by a community of DeFi enthusiasts supporting one of the most powerful meme figures to ever hit DeFi. You may have experienced market cycles where the bulls or the bears have been controlling the market sentiment, but have you been through enough to see the impact of Dodo the Black Swan?

Contract Address: 0xC02df2A13A862bF1165631534cAb5906fFD08dC1

The term Black Swan dates all the way back to 1697, when dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh discovered the first Black Swan in Australia. Prior to the discovery everyone had only thought swans came in one shape and colour, white. The discovery of a black swan shattered the assumption and highlighted the concept that unexpected and rare events can challenge established beliefs and predictions. Fast forward to the 21st century, where the term Black Swan has grown to be a regular term used in the trading space as Black Swan events have brought some of the best buying opportunities through injecting high levels of fear across markets.

Dodo is the name of the Black Swan which has grown to be a meme figure in the financial trading space. Carrying out the core personality traits of a Black Swan event, Dodo has shown to be unpredictable — making him difficult to read by the general public. Pushing conceptual boundaries Dodo highlights the limitations of traditional risk management strategies, and expands traders thought process to new and very possible opportunities.

Joining the group of market meme characters Dodo the bird seems to have an edge on Mumu the Bull and Bobo the Bear, as the other market memes are not able to contain the fear of a Black Swan. Through past instances of a Black Swan event, Dodo has been able to dictate the future direction of the market either working with Mumu or Bobo.. both of which live in fear of Dodo.

$DODO’s liquidity pool is burnt, ensuring there is no individual owner to the token’s funds and the smart contract is renounced elevating overall confidence, as investors understand that the 1% Buy tax and 1% Sell tax cannot be modified.

The $DODO ecosystem will be powered by several community utility dApps accessible through a simple, user-friendly dashboard. Join the community today and stay tuned for the latest developments and on-going project updates.

Website: Coming Soon!

