TOP 1 Skiing some girls are just born with the mountain poster

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3 min readAug 17, 2020


What is skiing? Perhaps you’re wondering.

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This sport combines a lot of factors, mainly free skiing skills and all kinds of jumps, turns and dangerous moves. Simply understood, ski ballet is dancing ballet on the snow thanks to a skateboard, plus musical elements.

Ski ballet was described as a “performance sport” at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada. However, it was not very responsive by the audience.

After another disappointing appearance in the 1992 Olympics, it was dropped from the list of Olympic sports. By 2000, skiing ballet was almost completely forgotten.

Thanks to the NBC Olympics station, the world has admired the impressive performances of skiing ballet. Here are a few facts about this exciting but “premature” sport:

Ballet skiing is a very complex sport with many difficult movements, before participating in this sport, athletes must have a certain level of skiing.

According to a 2015 Grantland article, music wasn’t part of ski ballet until athlete Suzy Chaffee suggested adding it to a performance in the 70s. Since then, the dance element is more interested in ski ballet.

The skiing genres such as aerials, halfpipe, moguls, ski cross, slopestyle … continue to be present at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games, except for ski ballet because it has been … dead since 2000.

Ballet ballet was renamed “acroski” (acrobatic ski), this was one of the last efforts to help Olympic take on the sport. However, it was unsuccessful.

Canadian snowboarder Chris Simboli successfully performed Michael Jackson’s legendary “moonwalk” and stunned bystanders. Unfortunately, at that time it was difficult to “go viral” as it is now.

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