The Old Devil Diver

A short story from the deep

5 min readJun 30, 2020
Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Days spent at sea with nothing to do. The pain of a sailor’s life.
No surprise then that stories, mischief, and mayhem pass the time.
It was on such a day that “the old devil diver” made an appearance on the C.S Lewis.

A sturdy old longliner steaming out of Aberdeen. She was heading for the Arctic fishing grounds north of Iceland.

New to the crew was the apprentice young Davie, on his first trip at sea.

Five days into eight-day steam and the crew were looking for mischief. As so often happens with youngsters Davie was a willing victim.

Keen to make a good impression on both the skipper and crew. Between long hours spent being seasick, he had spent his time trying to learn from the crew.

Now he was finally getting his sea legs. Hanging off the skipper and crews every word he was soaking up everything around him. Savoring the sights, the sounds, and the experience.

Not everyone was quite so keen. As usual, having a kid onboard was a pain in the ass. Yes, in the end, he would become an asset. But the first trip was always the worst. A heady mix of seasickness and enthusiasm.




Scottish engineer and passionate writer and artist living and working in Central asia