Beyond Mainstream Web: What Is Promising?I want to introduce several apps and networks which can be alternative to today’s mainstream platformsNov 24, 2022Nov 24, 2022
Open Source Data Stack for Non-ProfitsI am working for a non-profit organization. I want to explain how we build data-stack which covers the structure from CRM, mobile app and…Jun 20, 20221Jun 20, 20221
Published inTDS ArchiveFinding Shortest Path using Q-Learning Algorithmshortest path in an undirected graphNov 21, 20194Nov 21, 20194
Mammographic Mass ClassificationIn this article, I will be analyzing mammographic mass data and predict whether a mammogram mass is benign or malignant. I came across…Aug 18, 2019Aug 18, 2019
Identifying turkey sound and visualizing with PCAHere I use data of a kaggle competition which is about identifying turkey sound using audio embedded youtube videos. My study is also…Jul 1, 2019Jul 1, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorHow I analyzed fantasy EuroLeague basketball dataI will explore fantasy basketball data and create player pricing models using linear regression and random forest. Dataset is here. There…Jul 1, 2019Jul 1, 2019