1 min readSep 9, 2021


“For us, to live any other way was nuts. To us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, worried about their bills, were dead. I mean, they were suckers. They had no balls. If we wanted something, we just took it. If anyone complained twice they got hit so bad, believe me, they never complained again.” — Henry Hill

The old country “Don” (system) has become greedy, mad and drunk with power. They’ve forgotten who put them there and are strung-out and paranoid. The safety we’ve been paying protection money for all these years is gone and now we’re being robbed and scammed from all sides in a rigged game. It’s time for a new Boss (crypto), to “whack” them and redress the balance.

We will create our own financial “families” and wealth. Join the new financial community that takes care of its own! You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours. Use your connections to get business. The square markets (Google, Amazon, etc) are flooded and are their own racket. Keep your dough in the hands of your family and not in the pockets of institutions that make a mockery of your values.

More to follow!

