Introducing Sanzu Bridge

How Dōgen’s Sanzu Bridge utilizes cross-chain liquidity aggregation to shape the future of DeFi

Dogen Inu
2 min readMay 30, 2022
The Sanzu-no-Kawa (三途の川, lit. “River of Three Crossings”, or the “Sanzu River”) is a mythological river in Japanese Buddhist tradition similar to the Hindu concept of the Vaitarna and Greek concept of the Styx

Internally within the Dōgen team, we are constantly exchanging ideas on how we can best accomplish our mission to the stratosphere. It was during one of these meetings that our Senior Developer, Verum, brought CCLA (Cross-Chain-Liquidity-Aggregators) to our attention.

This discussion came about whilst discussing the schedule and amounts for our initially proposed buybacks, it occurred to us that in a sense, buybacks are inherently bearish. It shows that the token needs to be bought back by the dev wallet in order to maintain price action. What if there was a better solution that would accomplish almost identical results to buybacks, whilst growing the Dōgen community and expanding to a whole new set of eyes and ears?

Clearly, interoperability between blockchains is the need of the hour. Cross-chain liquidity aggregators address these issues prevailing on decentralized exchanges by aggregating liquidity sources from various DEXs across chains and their own cross-chain pools. And while Ethereum might be the most prominent network in the industry, it isn’t for everybody. It is no secret that network congestion and the lack of scalability have caused high transaction fees on Ethereum.

We propose a Sanzu Bridge and a Tri-Chain Liquidity Launch, in which users will be able to redeem ETH $DOGEN at an equivalent exchange for BSC/AVAX peg-$DOGEN (Both networks boast extremely low TX fees, and each coming with their own set of potential Dōgens to grow our community). Each chain’s launch will raise the price floor of all three tokens, and whilst initially the price between them will be off-peg once the Sanzu link has been secured the prices of each token will be of 99–100% equivalency.

AVAX/BSC Stealth Launch and liquidity link details shortly.

