Dogezer’s ITO Date change

3 min readSep 25, 2017

Dear Dogezer preITO Participants,

It is Alex Kozlov, Dogezer founder, and let me first start from expressing my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued interest and ongoing support of our business platform and business activities. Your support has been vital to our growth and development.

We have an important message to you in regards to our upcoming ITO.

The ICO market is experiencing an exponential growth these days. As per, there are currently 260+ active ICOs (25/09/2017), and the overall number of ICO’s is even larger. Such numbers of ICOs, creates a serious competition between all ICO players and makes it hard for investors to make a full analysis for every concept out there.

We at Dogezer have a value proposition which gives us a huge advantage in comparison to many ICOs on the market. We offer a unique idea which satisfies a real need, we have a ready to go product, we have a unique token model that is based on a well thought-out business model, and which takes all factors into consideration to ensure that ITO process is fair and transparent for all participants. We received a huge number of positive feedbacks regarding our product from multiple people, and keep getting a lot of interest from those who want to participate in our ITO. We started some negotiations to expand our advisory board and establish partnerships with some of the market leaders to improve our proposition even further.

To be able to complete all these activities and to ensure that our ITO event will be a total success, we decided to move the start of our ITO event to January 15th (2 months forward from the original date)

We are only changing ITO date, product release dates will still be the same as they originally planned: ~Nov 15th for Alpha, July 2018 for Beta, December 2018 for Official Release.

To ensure this change only has positive impact on our preITO participants, we are changing preDGZ to DGZ conversion rate to 1:2, so each preDGZ owner would be able to receive 2x more DGZ tokens during ITO. That makes preITO discount to be equal to a minimum of 65% (may be larger depending on ETH price at the moment of ITO).

Such change will give us time to:

  • Promote and explain ITO, Token Model and our Platform across the community.
  • Give all future ITO participants time to utilize our product and learn how to use it after its launch date in the middle of November 2017.
  • Expand our advisory board and build some of the key partnerships.
  • Grow our team based on the factor of quality.
  • Complete negotiations with potential token purchasers and funds

Also, as per some requests which we had from a number of potential token purchasers, and to ensure that we are giving everyone equal conditions, we are introducing two additional discounts for preITO purchasers:

  • 5% for any purchase over 50 ETH
  • 10% for any purchase over 100 ETH

We updated our whitepaper, website and BitcoinTalk thread to capture these changes. We are working to update ICO listings with this information. Our preITO will continue until 00:00 UTC October 1st with the above-mentioned conditions.

We strongly believe that these changes are beneficial for our purchasers as this both gives them additional discount and ensures that we, at Dogezer, have enough time to build a strong community around our solution.

We are happy to answer all of your questions and will give you additional clarifications via the following channels:

