The DogFinity Movement.

A fraternity of Web3-maxi dogs. Early to the IC, helping grow Web3.

As you have noticed, we have tried to catch the attention of people passionate about the IC community. The ones who, like us, believe that the IC is the best shot at achieving the Web3 dream. The ones who are here now, early to it, and helping grow the ecosystem.

DOGFINITY = Community Membership + WEB3 Brand + Movement for Web3

Membership To The Community: The Fraternity of Early Dogs

“Early Dogs”: the ones early to the IC and thus early to Web3.

Join the Early Dogs by acquiring a DogFinity NFT. The DogFinity NFTs are 3969 Web3-maxi dogs, who decided to move early to the IC ecosystem and thus to Web3. Doggos have taken over our hearts more than 30,000 years ago. It’s about time they dominate the IC ecosystem with their memetic charisma.

Our efforts are directed at gathering the top minds and biggest advocates of the IC ecosystem. We look up to great communities such as the Flower Power fam.

We believe we can have one of the strongest communities among the IC NFT projects, because many IC OG projects don’t put enough focus on their community or on growing their brand. As an example, there are projects with no dedicated Discord server, no Twitter activity, or no website. At the same time, many of the new and upcoming collections are falling for what we consider to be the “utility trap”: overemphasizing utility on their “all-included” roadmap (P2E, passive income, staking, breeding, etc.) instead of focusing on building a strong community and brand.

3D render of the DogFinity hoodie

Web3 Brand

The brand goes beyond the DogFinity merch. Expect to see the DogFinity visual identity and name in every campaign of the movement. Since we are actively working to onboard more users to this ecosystem, we expect to attract a significant share of the onboarded users to the project. By actively contributing to the community, we expect to tie positive emotions together with our visual identity.

Additionaly, DogFinity NFT holders will have access to discounts and exclusive merchandise.

Once a strong digital community is assembled, it starts organically marketing itself. More like-minded individuals should be attracted to the project. This combined with the scarcity of the limited supply of DogFinity NFTs, can create the desired exclusive appeal of owning an Early Dog NFT. The ultimate vision is to achieve mainstream status.

DogFinity poster on Amsterdam streets.

The Movement

We are working to build a movement. A movement for the IC, a movement for Web3. Through DogFinity, we want to help grow the IC Community.

We see this as a two-part process, happening at the same time:

  • Part 1 is to onboard more people into Web 3, from the outside, and into IC from other blockchains;
  • Part 2 is to strengthen the IC community, both for current and future users.

Part 1) Grow the IC Community.

A movement to raise awareness of the IC ecosystem in the crypto-sphere. Reaching out and sponsoring content creators so they share their thoughts about IC’s tech to their audience. Spreading the DogFinity and IC image across the globe: from merch to billboards, to partnerships and possibly even a meme coin.

Every Like, Retweet, Changing your PFP to DogFinity helps us reach another person. With more effort we start reaching more influential people inside the community. Soon they will start supporting the movement and joining our community. We solidify our brand which empowers the movement. Through more coordination and resources we start changing the narrative outside the IC eco-chamber. Soon speculators will realize they can be early to a great future. Builders will realize they can be early to create this great future. Then, we become true Early Dogs.

Part 2) Help Inform and Educate the IC Community on NFTs, DeFi and DApps

We can strengthen and increase adoption of the IC by creation content covering IC NFTs, DeFi, and DApps. This should also contribute to the sustainability of the ecosystem.

Empowering And Rewarding The Community

30% of the NFT sale proceeds and 50% of the secondary sales royalties will go to the community wallet (DogAO). This way, the community is empowered to fund initiatives to grow the movement.

Additionally, to reward our beloved IC community, some Dscvr users, BTC Flowers, OG Medals, and #EarlyDogs will be selected for a DogFinity NFT airdrop and have a big discounted whitelist.

The Team

The team is composed of people who have created movements in the past involving thousands of people in the real world in a big educational NGO. We are pairing our movement mindset with the practical vision of ex-consultants that have advised Fortune 500 and Big Tech companies, people with experience in startups, venture capital and asset management, along with DeFi devs and designers. People who want to see the IC, Web3, and DogFinity dream succeed.

Read more about the team:

This is not a Roadmap. Public-facing roadmaps set unrealistic expectations of future value and can easily turn into disappointment and broken promises. Expect us to experiment, learn and iterate fast. The community is the real utility.

So, we ask you: are you early to web3?

Woof woof!

To Dfinity, and Beyond!

#DogFinity #EarlyDogs



Understanding Web3 - by DogFinity

A movement for the IC. A movement for Web3. 6969 Web3-maxi dog NFTs coming soon. #DogFinity #EarlyDogs #ICP