The Origin Of The Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)

The History Of Dog Breeds
5 min readNov 13, 2023


The Fila Brasileiro’s story begins in Brazil, but its roots extend to Europe and Africa. Emerging in the 15th century, the breed is believed to have descended from a mix of European dogs brought by Portuguese explorers and settlers, including the Mastiff, Bloodhound, and perhaps even the Bulldog. These dogs were bred for their strength, determination, and exceptional tracking abilities.

The Name: A Reflection of Purpose

The word ‘Fila’ in Portuguese means ‘to hold’ or ‘to arrest,’ a fitting name given the breed’s original purpose. These dogs were used to track down runaway slaves, a dark and controversial aspect of their history. Their ability to follow a scent trail for miles and their intimidating presence made them invaluable in this role.

Physical Characteristics: Strength and Tenacity

The Fila Brasileiro is a large, powerful breed, with a robust and muscular build. They have a distinctive molosser-like appearance, characterized by loose skin, especially around the neck, and a broad, deep chest. Their gait is unique, known as the ‘camel gait,’ which contributes to their agility and endurance.

Temperament: Loyal but Protective

One of the most notable traits of the Fila is its unwavering loyalty to its family. They are known for being incredibly affectionate and protective of their owners, often described as ‘velcro dogs’ due to their desire to stay close to their human companions. However, this loyalty comes with a natural wariness towards strangers, making them excellent guard dogs.

The Fila in Brazilian Culture

The Fila Brasileiro holds a special place in Brazilian culture. They are not just pets; they’re a symbol of national pride. In rural areas, they were used for cattle herding and as farm guardians. The breed’s tracking ability also made them popular for hunting large game, a practice that continues in some regions today.

Controversy and Legal Challenges

The breed’s aggressive tendencies towards strangers have led to controversy. Some countries have imposed restrictions or outright bans on the Fila, citing concerns over public safety. This has sparked debates among dog lovers and breed enthusiasts about responsible breeding, training, and ownership.

Breed Preservation and Clubs

Despite these challenges, there are numerous breed clubs and organizations dedicated to preserving the Fila Brasileiro. These groups focus on promoting responsible breeding practices, educating owners, and working towards a better understanding of the breed’s temperament and needs.

The Fila in the Modern World

Today, the Fila Brasileiro’s role has expanded beyond that of a working dog. While they still serve as guard dogs and in rural settings, many have found a place in homes as loyal family pets. Their intelligence and trainability have also made them suitable for various canine sports and activities.

Health and Lifespan

Like many large breeds, the Fila Brasileiro faces certain health challenges. They are prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and certain heart conditions. With proper care, a healthy diet, and regular veterinary check-ups, these dogs can live a full life, typically ranging from 9 to 11 years.

The Future of the Fila

As we look to the future, the Fila Brasileiro continues to fascinate and captivate dog enthusiasts around the world. Efforts to preserve the breed’s heritage while ensuring their wellbeing in modern society are ongoing. The Fila’s story is one of resilience, adaptability, and an enduring bond with the people of Brazil.

Owning a Fila Brasileiro, like any breed, comes with its unique set of pros and cons. These should be carefully considered before bringing one into your home. Let’s break down some of these key points:

Pros of Owning a Fila Brasileiro

Loyalty and Devotion: Filas are extremely loyal to their family. They form strong bonds and are known for their deep devotion to their owners.

Protective Nature: Their natural protective instincts make them excellent guard dogs. They are vigilant and always on the lookout for potential threats to their home and family.

Intelligence and Trainability: The Fila is an intelligent breed and can be trained effectively. With proper training, they can excel in various canine sports and activities.

Versatility: Originally bred for working, the Fila is versatile and adaptable. They can be used for various roles, including guarding, herding, and even as a companion dog.

Low Grooming Needs: Their short coat requires minimal grooming, making them a good choice for owners who prefer a low-maintenance dog in terms of grooming.

Cons of Owning a Fila Brasileiro

Aggression Towards Strangers: One of the most challenging aspects of owning a Fila is their natural distrust of strangers. This trait, while beneficial for guarding, can be a liability in everyday situations.

Training and Socialization Challenges: Due to their strong will and protective nature, Filas require consistent, firm, and experienced handling. They are not recommended for first-time dog owners.

Legal and Insurance Issues: The breed is banned or restricted in some countries and regions due to its aggressive tendencies. This can lead to difficulties in finding housing and obtaining homeowner’s insurance.

Health Concerns: Like many large breeds, Filas are prone to certain health issues like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and cardiac problems. Prospective owners should be prepared for potential veterinary costs.

Space and Exercise Requirements: They are a large, active breed and require ample space and exercise. This makes them less suited for apartment living or sedentary lifestyles.

Liability Considerations: Given their size and protective nature, there’s a higher liability risk. Owners must be vigilant in public spaces and ensure their dog is properly secured at home.


The Fila Brasileiro is a breed with many admirable qualities, such as loyalty, intelligence, and versatility. However, their protective nature and potential for aggression, along with their physical and mental needs, make them a challenging breed to own. They require an experienced owner who can provide firm training, socialization, and a structured environment. Understanding these pros and cons is crucial for anyone considering adding a Fila Brasileiro to their family.



The History Of Dog Breeds

Over centuries, dog breeds evolved fulfilling specific roles as hunting, herding, guarding and therapy, highlighting their integration into human culture.