Ben & Jerry’s to Receive 2018 Dog Award

For Supporting a Dog-Friendly Workplace

Dogs at Work
3 min readDec 5, 2018


Ben & Jerry’s will receive the 2018 Dog Award on Friday, December 7, 2018. The award will be presented to CEO, Matthew McCarthy, by Dogs@work, a national animal advocacy group that encourages positive integration of dogs in corporate culture.

“We are thrilled to be presenting the award to Ben & Jerry’s,” says Debbie Black, at Dogs@work. “Ben & Jerry’s has been at the forefront of bringing our furry friends into their human culture. Studies have shown a tremendous contribution from dogs in the workplace. In the office, dogs increase morale, de-stress the environs, facilitate meaningful communication, and increase productivity. One in ten American companies include dogs in their workplace design. It’s time for other companies to look at Ben & Jerry’s example in deciding what to do with their own canine policy.”

“Here at Ben & Jerry’s we love our dogs as much as we love our ice cream,” says Ben & Jerry’s PR Media Maven, Lindsay Bumps. “We are honored to be receiving this award on behalf of our employees as well as our fellow K9–5ers.” The K9–5ers is the nickname for the dogs who come to work at Ben & Jerry’s.



Dogs at Work

Dogs at Work is a social-advocacy group that celebrates and advances the integration of dogs in the human workplace.