AWS Athena and DBeaver Connection

Dogukan Ulu
2 min readSep 7, 2023


AWS Athena is a widely used analysis tool to query the data located predominantly in the Glue Data Catalog. In this article, I will explain how to query the data using DBeaver.

First of all, we should define the S3 location where we will store the Athena query results.

This part is crucial since we will be using that while connecting to DBeaver.

Once DBeaver is opened, we should choose the source as Athena.

After choosing, we will be prompted to the below screen.

We should define the Region first (eu-central-1 for this example). Then, we also have to define the S3 location where our query results will be stored.

When it comes to username and password, we should populate them with the Access key and secret access key created for our IAM user. After populating all, we can Test Connection. If successful, we can Finish and see the tables located in Athena. Now, we can run all the necessary SQL queries against the tables that Athena has access to.

I hope it helps, thanks for reading :)

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