AWS Cloud Data Engineering End-to-End Project — AWS Glue ETL Job, S3, Apache Spark

Dogukan Ulu
9 min readAug 9, 2023


Tech Stack

  • AWS Glue Data Catalog
  • AWS Glue Crawler
  • AWS Glue ETL Job
  • Apache Spark
  • Amazon S3
  • SQL
  • Python


In this project, we will first create a new S3 bucket and upload a remote CSV file into that S3 bucket. We are going to create a Data Catalog using either Crawler or a custom schema. Once all is created, we are going to create a new Glue ETL Job. We are going to go through both options: Spark script and Jupyter Notebook. We will do some transformations using Spark. Once our data frame is clear and ready, we will upload it as a parquet file to S3 and will create a corresponding Data Catalog as well. We are going to query the data using Athena and S3 Select. We will also schedule the job so that it runs on a regular basis. Think of this project as a production pipeline. Assume that the CSV file located in the S3 is modified at some certain times but the schema stays the same and we should create the corresponding modified parquet file in another directory.

IAM Roles

First of all, we have to create the necessary policy and role for AWS Glue to be able to watch the logs and connect to S3.

The first thing’s first, we should create a new policy that allows IAM policy for Glue. We can choose the service as Glue and create the policy with the below JSON.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/*"

We can populate the account_id part with our own account ID. We should create the policy with a certain name. Then, we can create an IAM role with the above policy. We should also add the following policies:

  • CloudWatchFullAccessV2
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy

We can give a certain name for our newly created role as well.

S3 Bucket

After creating the necessary IAM role, we should create the S3 bucket. This bucket will be used both to get the initial data and upload the final data. If we want to upload the data automatically from inside the EC2 instance, all details can be found in the below article.

If we want to create the S3 bucket manually, we can do it via the S3 dashboard directly and upload the CSV file using AWS CLI. For this article, we will be using a bucket named aws-glue-etl-job-spark. This part is important since the bucket name should include “aws-glue”, if not we should define some other permissions. We will upload our initial CSV file into this bucket with the key ufo_reports_source_csv/uforeports.csv. We are going to use this file as our main source of data.

Glue Crawler / Data Catalog

In this part, the first thing is creating a new database. We can create the database from AWS Glue -> Databases -> Add database. We can name it glue-etl-from-csv-to-parquet.

The second part is creating a new table in this database. We are going to use this table to keep the metadata of the object we recently put into the S3 bucket. We can do it both by using Crawler and by editing the schema manually. We will go through editing the schema manually. Our table name will be ufo_reports_source_csv (the same as the S3 prefix).

We are going to choose the source data as S3 and browse the location of our newly created object. Be careful that we should choose the directory instead of the file itself at this point.

For our data ufo reports, we should choose the data type as CSV and define the schema manually. The main difference between the Crawler and custom schema selection is this point. If we chose Crawler, the schema would be detected automatically but we had to pay some cost. That’s the main reason we chose custom schema. If we use Crawler, every option will be the same apart from the schema since it will be determined automatically by Crawler. We can also create a schema registry for the frequently used data catalogs as another option.

After creating the source Data Catalog (database and table) we can now create the Glue ETL job.

Glue ETL Job Using Spark script

The main purpose of this Glue ETL job is to modify the source CSV file using the Glue Data Catalog and upload the modified data frame in the parquet format into S3 and create a corresponding target data catalog that keeps the metadata information of the target object.

We are going to create a job using the Spark script editor.

It will lead us to the script page. Before going through the script, we can configure our script. We should first give our script a name and choose the recently created IAM role.

For this specific task, choosing the minimum resource power will be enough since the data load is not that big. We will choose the number of workers as 2 and the worker type as G 1X.

After configuring our script, we can now create our script. The first part is automatically provided by the Glue itself and it creates a Glue dynamic frame. We are going to add some specific imports and create a Spark data frame out of the Glue dynamic frame.

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

## @params: [JOB_NAME]
args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['JOB_NAME'])

sc = SparkContext()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
spark = glueContext.spark_session
job = Job(glueContext)
job.init(args['JOB_NAME'], args)

glue_dynamic_frame_initial = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database='glue-etl-from-csv-to-parquet', table_name='ufo_reports_source_csv')

df_spark = glue_dynamic_frame_initial.toDF()

We are going to prepare our Spark data frame for further steps. We will remove NULLs, drop unnecessary columns and rename some of them.

def prepare_dataframe(df):
"""Rename the columns, extract year and drop unnecessary columns. Remove NULL records"""
df_renamed = df.withColumnRenamed("Shape Reported", "shape_reported") \
.withColumnRenamed("Colors Reported", "color_reported") \
.withColumnRenamed("State", "state") \
.withColumnRenamed("Time", "time")

df_year_added = df_renamed.withColumn("year", F.year(F.to_timestamp(F.col("time"), "M/d/yyyy H:mm"))) \
.drop("time") \

df_final = df_year_added.filter((F.col("shape_reported").isNotNull()) & (F.col("color_reported").isNotNull()))

return df_final

Using these transformations, we aim to obtain a data frame that will show us the most occurred color and shapes per year and state breakdown. That’s why we will create two separate data frames and join them for this purpose.

def join_dataframes(df):
"""Create color and shape dataframes and join them"""
shape_grouped = df.groupBy("year", "state", "shape_reported") \

color_grouped = df.groupBy("year", "state", "color_reported") \

df_joined = shape_grouped.join(color_grouped,
on=["year", "state"],

return df_joined

We are now going to get only the maximum number of occurrences using the row_number function. We are also familiar with this function from the SQL queries, it will give us the maximum occurrences partitioned by year and state.

def create_final_dataframe(df):
"""Create final dataframe"""
shape_window_spec = Window.partitionBy("year", "state").orderBy(F.col("shape_occurrence").desc())
color_window_spec = Window.partitionBy("year", "state").orderBy(F.col("color_occurrence").desc())

# Selecting top occurrences of shape and color per year and state
final_df = df.withColumn("shape_rank", F.row_number().over(shape_window_spec)) \
.withColumn("color_rank", F.row_number().over(color_window_spec)) \
.filter((F.col("shape_rank") == 1) & (F.col("color_rank") == 1)) \
.select("year", "state", "shape_reported", "shape_occurrence", "color_reported", "color_occurrence") \

return final_df

Now we will convert our Spark data frame back into a Glue dynamic frame. This will be used for writing the data both to the S3 bucket and creating a corresponding table in the Data Catalog.

df_prepared = prepare_dataframe(df_spark)
df_joined = join_dataframes(df_prepared)
df_final = create_final_dataframe(df_joined)

# From Spark dataframe to glue dynamic frame
glue_dynamic_frame_final = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df_final, glueContext, "glue_etl")

# Write the data in the DynamicFrame to a location in Amazon S3 and a table for it in the AWS Glue Data Catalog
s3output = glueContext.getSink(

catalogDatabase="glue-etl-from-csv-to-parquet", catalogTableName="ufo_reports_target_parquet"



After populating the script page as above, we can now Save the script and run it. We can monitor the script from the Runs tab. We can wait until the run succeeds.

Glue ETL Job Using Jupyter Notebook

One of the other options is creating the ETL job using a Jupyter Notebook. The steps are pretty similar to the Spark script. Therefore, there’s no need to go through the Jupyter Notebook code itself. The differences between the Spark script and Jupyter Notebook are as below:

  • We should choose Jupyter Notebook instead of Spark script in the beginning while creating the ETL job.
  • We should define the resource power in the notebook itself instead of configuring it.
%idle_timeout 2880
%glue_version 3.0
%worker_type G.1X
%number_of_workers 2

All the remaining parts will be the same. You might take a look at the above Jupyter notebook for further details.

Monitor Data Using AWS Athena and S3 Select

After the run is complete and it succeeds, we can first check the S3 bucket. A new directory should be created inside the bucket named ufo_reports_target_parquet and the resulting parquet file should be loaded into it.

We can click on the parquet file and choose S3 Select from the actions. We can run a simple S3 query and see the first 5 rows for example.

After checking the data in the S3 bucket, we can also check if the table is created in the Glue Data Catalog.

We can see that ufo_reports_target_parquet table is created in Glue Data Catalog. We can also see that the database is the one we recently created. The main location of this table is the parquet S3 object under aws-glue-etl-job-spark/ufo_reports_target_parquet/. This table represents the metadata of that object.

We can now click on the table and choose View data from Actions.

This will lead us through Amazon Athena. We can run the below simple SQL query the see the first 10 rows of the data.

SELECT * FROM "AwsDataCatalog"."glue-etl-from-csv-to-parquet"."ufo_reports_target_parquet" limit 10;

We can see the resulting data below:

We can run SQL queries in Athena. We should be careful about the below-mentioned points:

  • We should use LIMIT if we want to see a certain part of the data
  • We can use some window functions and aggregations to restrict the data
  • We can also choose the columns we want to see
  • We should avoid scanning the whole table by adding a WHERE clause if suitable for our use case.
  • Overall, we should be careful about restricting the query so that it only shows the target data. These will help us avoid extra costs.

Scheduling the Glue ETL Job

We can add a schedule to our newly created Glue ETL job. If we want to run the job on a regular basis, we should add a suitable schedule using Cron. We may see the below schedule which will be running at 10 AM UTC every day.

Hope it helps, thanks for reading :)

You may reach out via Linkedin and Github, all comments are appreciated 🕺

