Jumpstart Your Fitness Journey: How to Create a Beginner Workout Plan Today

Dalia Dohler Guilera
4 min readJun 25, 2024


Fitness Fuels Joy: Strong Body, Happy Mind

Do you want to feel energized and back in shape again? Do you walk into your first typical workout facility and feel bewildered as you look around at the vast array of shiny workout equipment? You are certainly not alone if this is something you have experienced. The thought of beginning a fitness journey seems so daunting — having a plan of action can change all of that. Now imagine yourself waking up feeling energized, confident, and ready for the day. Would you like to start feeling and looking that way? Of course. I will show you how.

The Struggle is Real: Why Most Beginners Quit

Finding time for a workout is hard. Finding the motivation for a workout is hard. Finding the energy to get off your couch and actually go to the gym for a workout is hard. But your plans of a new regime are helpless against the far more insidious hurdle: What fitness plan is best? Faced with a barrage of conflicting truths, many would-be gym rats are baffled from the get-go. They start simply, without a plan, and shortly find themselves relying on YouTube videos to master an exercise. Soon enough, they’re nosedive-bur peeing their way into sore legs, backs, abs, and ego. If it all seems rather ugly, that’s because it can be. But there’s hope. It turns out, creating a beginner workout plan is easier than it seems. In fact, you can do it right here and right now. Let’s do this.

Step 1: Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Step 1. Loss of motivation is a big issue, so be clear about your goal. Do you want to lose a few pounds, get in shape or build your muscle? Give yourself a very achievable and confessable goal that you can share with others. For example. ‘I want to get fit’ is not as good as ‘I want to lose 10 pounds in three months’ or ‘I want to run a 5K in six weeks.’

Open Loop: The Key to Staying Motivated

We’ll get to the nitty-gritty of how to create your workout programme in a moment, but before we do, let’s not forget about motivation. Setting goals is only half the battle, because once the initial excitement wears off, we need to know how to stay on track. Okay, just hang in there; I’ll share a motivational trick with you later in this article that will keep you motivated even when you’re not in the mood to work out.

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Step 2: Choose the Right Exercises

A balanced beginner’s workout plan consists of cardio, strength training and flexibility. Here are the details:

Cardio: walk, jog or cycle. Try 20–30 minutes, three or four times a week.

Strength training that focuses on major muscle groups (squats, push-ups, lunges: legs, back, chest, arms) using bodyweight, and at least 2–3 times per week.

Flexibility: Regain some flexibility through stretching or yoga, especially as you stretch more at home. When working out at the gym, give yourself 10–15 minutes before moving on to the next set of exercises.

Objection Handling: “But I Don’t Have Time!”

Another typical complaint: ‘I don’t have time. I’m too busy to work out!’ Well, just 20 minutes can help your body — the important thing is that you remain consistent with your routine. When you put it into your calendar, you should do it just like you would with any other meeting or date.

Step 3: Create a Weekly Schedule

Plan your workouts in advance to ensure you excel. For instance:

Monday: 20-minute walk or jog

Tuesday: Strength training (bodyweight exercises)

Wednesday: Rest or light stretching

Thursday: 20-minute walk or jog

Friday: Strength training (bodyweight exercises)

Saturday: Yoga or flexibility exercises

Sunday: Rest

Use this schedule as a guide, and adjust it based on your goals and fitness level. But most important, be flexible and listen to your body.

Open Loop: The Secret Weapon for Beginners

Okay, now remember that effective motivational trick I told you about earlier? Here it is: accountability. Whether you check in with a friend or family, or you join an online community, having an accountability partner can help turbocharge your motivation and consistency, which will ultimately propel you toward better focus and productivity. We’ll talk more about leveraging accountability in a moment.

Step 4: Track Your Progress

Keeping track of your workouts and development is critical. It keeps you motivated and shows you how far you’ve come. Use a journal, an app, or a basic spreadsheet. Keep track of the activities you did, the duration of your workout, and how you felt. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how minor. Did you sprint for an extra minute? Lift a heavier weight? That is progress!

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Step 5: Stay Flexible and Have Fun

Your fitness routine is not set in stone. Adjust as needed based on your preferences and what works best for your body. The most essential thing is to have fun and enjoy the experience. Try new activities, take a class, or find a workout partner. The more enjoyable your workouts, the more likely you are to stay with them.

Closing the Loop: Use Accountability

Remember that hidden weapon? Find an accountability buddy. It could be a friend who shares your fitness objectives, a personal trainer, or an online fitness network. Regular check-ins and support might make all the difference in sticking to your new training schedule.


Starting your fitness journey doesn’t have to be intimidating. Setting clear goals, selecting the correct exercises, developing a weekly schedule, tracking your progress, and using accountability will help you create a beginner fitness plan that will set you up for success. Begin today, be consistent, and watch as you improve not only your physique, but your entire life. Are you ready to get started? Let us accomplish this!

