Roof leaks What do we do?

Robiul alam
2 min readFeb 10, 2020


The roof leaks and it rains inside. I can no longer continue with the buckets and the taper for the leaks, so I tell you what I did.

Let’s go to the obvious:

Having leaks means that water leaks that managed to penetrate all the roof layers.

First, I followed the leak to see if it doesn’t come from a pipe. Discarded this, climb to the ceiling and look for a puddle. Perhaps it is accumulated water that is not draining because a drain was covered with leaves, for example.

Another reason may be a broken tile or a crack in the asphalt membrane. Whatever it is, it is important to activate soon so that the roof structure is not ruined, you are filled with fungus and the paint falls off.

How to fix the roof?

The most important thing is to see what material the roof is covered to use a compatible material. This is essential because arranging with a material that serves half is to kick the problem for later and, as we know, water is no joke.

Moistures are not only destructive to the structure of the house, but the fungi that are generated are very harmful to people.

The most usual is to put a layer of a liquid sealant that is ideal because it drains through the crack and seals deeply and not just on the surface. The area to be fixed must be super clean so that whatever you apply grabs well. So clean the area. If there is moisture, let it dry for a couple of days in the sun.

Once you apply the product and it dries, I carefully followed the leak or the stain of moisture in future rains to corroborate that you effectively solved the problem. To know more about home improvement, you can follow my Healthy Flat blog.

