In this article, I will show you step by step a secure method to go to the Dark web from your iPhone or your iPad.

On the Dark Web, you will be able to access sites you can’t access to on the classic web. Getting there is not complicated, you just need to have the right tools to be anonymous.

Here is my video tutorial:

You need these 2 apps to access Dark Web :

Before starting the tutorial, we will need 2 apps:

  • OnionBrowser to access Dark Web sites that are inaccessible from a classic browser (Safari, Chrome…)
  • Nord VPN to access the Dark Web anonymously and securely.

How to Install OnionBrowser: the Dark Web browser

OnionBrowser is like Tor, the browser we use to go to the Deepweb on Windows Mac and Android. You can install it directly from the AppStore. It works on every iOS device: iPhone and iPad.

  1. On the AppStore, type “OnionBrowser” or click on this link.
  2. Click on “Get
Click on “Get” to install Onion Browser app

Install NordVPN to protect yourself on the Dark Web

  1. Go this page to get your NordVPN license. It’s like 10 dollars per month and you can even use NordVPN on all your devices (6 connections per devices are allowed) !
  2. Install the app on your iPhone (or iPad) by typing “NordVPN” on the AppStore. If you’re a slacker here’s the link😅.
  3. Open NordVPN app and enter the id’s you received on the NordVPN email.
Click on “Open” to launch NordVPN

Yes, NordVPN is a paid VPN. But I’ll tell you one thing: if you’re going on the Dark Web with a free VPN, not using a VPN is quite the same thing… Why ? Because with free VPNs, your browsing data is kept (no anonymity; monitoring) which is a huge downside (not counting hacks). What’s more, theses VPN are not secure enough.

Now that you have Onion Browser and NordVPN app on your iPhone or iPad, we can start straight to the tutorial:

4 Simple Steps to Go on Dark web Safely on iOS

1) Activate the VPN

Open NordVPN app. This is how the app looks like:

Click on “Quick Connect”

Click on the blue button “Quick Connect to connect your iOS device to a secure server. Therefore, you will be able to browse anonymously and you will be safe on the Dark Web.

PS: You can also click randomly on the map to connect you to a country. For example: Italy.

2) Open Onion Browser

Open the Onion Browser app and click on “Let’s Go.

Click on “Let’s go”

Then, click on “Connect to Tor.

Click on “Connect to Tor”

You will have this loading screen ⬇️ so wait for a few second the browser to load.

connecting to tor
Loading screen on Onion Browser

Onion Browser will ask you for your security level. Click on the second level, “Moderate (recommended)”. On the most secure one, some things will not work so that’s why we pick the middle one.

moderate security level tor
Click on “Moderate”

Voilà! Once you did these things, Onion Browser is ready to use!

onion browser homepage
Onion Browser Homepage

3) Browse the Dark Web

We can now browse the dark web. I will show you how it works. On this hidden web, you will find websites you want with directories (some websites that list other websites by categories).

Here is the example of one directory:

To show you how it works, I will put bellow a case study:

Go on the website by typing the address directly on the URL bar on Onion Browser app.

Sometimes, before loading the website, a message will ask you to complete a captcha code in order to prove you’re not a bot. If you not succeed in entering the right code, you can quit Onion Browser app, disconnect the VPN, reconnect to another server and open again Onion Browser.

You will land to a page that looks like a little bit like Wikipedia:

inthehiddenwiki homepage
InTheHiddenWiki Homepage

Scroll a little bit and you will find a list of categories like on the screenshot above. Inside these categories, you will find links of dark web websites.

For this case study, we are going to click on the “Books” category.

As you can see above, you will get a list of websites where you can read books online.

For this example, we are going to click on “Bible4U” which is a website to read the uncensored Bible.

example page dark web on ios

Voila! Now we are browsing safely on a dark web website. To discover other websites, you can return to the inthehiddenwiki directory (or other directories) and click on other links.

4) How to quit the Dark Web on your iOS device ?

Once you finished what you wanted to do, close the Onion Browser app.

Now, go on the NordVPN app and click on “Disconnect”.

As you can see, going to the dark web isn’t difficult. For your security, be sure to make all the steps each time you want to browse the Dark Web 😉.


Is going to the Dark web is riskier than to go to the Dark Web with a computer ?

No, because the method is exactly the same. And there are no additional steps to go on dark web on a computer.

Is Onion Browser a VPN?

No, Onion BrOwser is not a VPN. It is just a browser which allows you to reach dark web websites with .onion extension.

Can you be tracked on the Dark Web?

With a good VPN like NordVPN, your traffic will not be tracked. You will get another geographic location to ensure your security.

Will my Internet provider know that I go on the Dark Web?

If you use an effective VPN, then your provider will not have any connection data. Tip: Activate your VPN before accessing the Dark Web😉.




Content creator about privacy, security, dark net, tor… You can find me on my blog and on my YouTube channel.