The Deep Blue Sea — A new step to a journey full of art.

3 min readJun 19, 2023


— I want to say that I am very excited about what I have managed to accomplish in the last few weeks. As you know, this is not the first time I have launched a generative brush art collection. Savannah was my first project of this kind, which had a very nice success. It was trending for a week, and OpenSea recognized us in featured as an art collection.

That being said,

a new stage is coming in this art-filled journey, and on this occasion, please welcome Deep Blue Sea by Doma, the second 1000 generative art brush collection with over 220 traits, high res. quality on 2400x4200, unique colors, and a beautiful story, but this time, the last collection as a singular artist.

— because why?

As you may have noticed, savannahbydoma account has been changed to curatedbydoma and is set to be rebranded again in the future. What does this mean? The individuals who held Savannah were rewarded with other free collections, free mints, etc. However, only Savannah will be part of the curated category, along with Deep Blue Sea.

Those who own both Savannah and Deep Blue Sea will be selected for the future art pass(not only they), which will provide you with the opportunity to receive airdrops for some of the most beautiful collections in the NFT space.

Welcome, ArtBrosh. ArtBrosh will be an ecosystem that will be based on 1000 art passes with the main purpose of owning the most beautiful pieces of art, especially generative art, in the future. More details about who will own ArtBrosh and our goals for the next year will be revealed.

As a clue, those who own Savannah and Deep Blue Sea, individuals who have been active in the past few weeks, individuals with a significant holding in both collections or just one, individuals who have not listed in large proportions, and most importantly, individuals who appreciate unique art.

The rebranding will be complete starting with the first ArtBrosh collaboration, July.

Until then, let’s enjoy the Deep Blue Sea. As you know, we will always do minting on bueno because it is very well-designed in all aspects and highly secure, without bots and other issues. As you know, the FCFS system is the most reasonable and simple. Minting will be open within the next 30–60 minutes after you read this at 0,005 with max 3 per wallet. Enjoy the art.

Official links:

bueno mint, as always safe:


twitter doma:

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I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to someone whom I never thought would give me attention in this NFT space. Practically illuminated my path and guided me to make the best choices, helped me create a plan that I could easily accomplish, and eventually reach the moon. Thank you, #a.




a connection that never ends, begins with a piece of art.