Cisco includes Syntropy’s code into Segment Routing codebase

Domantas Jaskunas
2 min readJul 31, 2019


To further expand Segment Routing adoption across networks globally, Syntropy has developed, in close collaboration with Cisco Segment Routing team, an SRv6 tool designed to find dropped internet traffic packets across different providers.

Cisco is one of the largest supporters and developers of Segment Routing technology. They’ve already introduced Segment Routing support to many of their hardware devices deployed across hundreds of enterprises and public networks which increase the availability and adoption of Segment Routing worldwide.

Cisco SRv6 team has validated Syntropy’s code and included it into Segment Routing code repository for further development and adoption. More information and the code itself is accessible here:

Link to codebase:



Segment Routing code repositories are accessed and used globally by enterprises and network engineers community to build segment routing solutions.

Syntropy contributes to global Segment Routing development to foster this major innovation in the new era of internet routing. Today, Segment Routing is one of the most advanced traffic engineering protocols out there.

Syntropy is an early contributor to Segment Routing IPv6 technology and we’re working to demonstrate a solid and long-lasting track record of innovative blockchain-based internet technology solutions. Thanks to SRv6 network programming capabilities and collaboration with largest technology companies Syntropy is set to further disrupt the internet landscape.

About Cisco

Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is an American multinational technology conglomerate headquartered in San Jose, California, in the center of Silicon Valley. Cisco develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, telecommunications equipment and other high-technology services and products.

About Segment Routing:

