NOIA Network prepares for a major product release

Domantas Jaskunas
4 min readSep 23, 2019


Today, we are making the first major step towards our vision of the better Internet, which is faster, safer, and more efficient than ever. After months of long hours in the office, we are thrilled that NOIA is coming close to being ready for the product launch that will consist of a few parts:

  • SRv6 backbone — a high capacity network infrastructure;
  • SDN Software-as-a-Service for enterprises — a lightweight solution for companies to set up their private network infrastructures;
  • NOIA application for retail users — a gateway to a faster alternative to the public Internet.

NOIA App — making the Internet faster

NOIA application for both mobile and desktop devices

For now, let’s focus on what is most relevant to our community — the NOIA Application that will allow everyone to access NOIA’s Programmable Internet from their homes and even mobile devices. The main idea behind it is to make your Internet faster with one click of the button. Yes, it’s that simple. Once connected, the app will route your traffic through NOIA’s Programmable Internet, taking into account the fastest and most optimal routes for every request you send out.

Much like you navigate through the streets of the city by using Google Maps or Waze, NOIA Application will do the same for your connection on the Internet. However, it is not just that. NOIA Application will allow you to be the smartest one on the road, navigating around the congested areas quicker than everyone else and therefore arriving at your destination faster. Whether you’re playing online video games, streaming live content, trading on stock or crypto exchanges, video calling, or taking part in any other online activity that requires a good internet connection with low latency, stability and high speed, NOIA Application will serve you to guarantee the best user experience.

We will be releasing a desktop application for both Mac and Windows, as well as a mobile application for Android devices.

Pricing and token economy

In order to develop our technology to a sufficient standard of quality and to give you the opportunity to test it, using the early (beta) version of the NOIA application will be free of charge for everyone.

After the beta stage, the application will cost a certain amount of NOIA tokens per month to use. Users will be using them to gain access to the Programmable Internet on a subscription basis, therefore, marking the very first application of NOIA token and kick-starting the NOIA token economy.

To ensure easy access for everyone users will be able to top up their accounts not only with NOIA tokens but also with Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). We are also working to implement a credit card gateway so that people not in possession of crypto would have a way of using the application as well. Accepting other currencies is solely for the convenience of our users. All funds received in either of these currencies will be immediately converted to NOIA tokens. In this way, tokens will be appropriately utilized and integrated with other backend functions.

Transition to Programmable Internet Node

With this update, we are beginning the transition process from NOIA Cache to NOIA Programmable Internet Node. Instead of a specialized node, tailored to serve Content Delivery, we are moving towards a more standardized solution that can cover many different applications and use cases of the Programmable Internet.

Because of this transition, we need our nodes to be able to comply with certain requirements to be useful for the network.

The nodes are required to:

  • have the ability to connect and interact with other nodes;
  • measure and monitor the connection performance;
  • collect various qualitative data, such as latency and speed;
  • relay traffic;
  • ideally, have an external IPv6 address;
  • stay connected to the network as much as possible.

Along with this, we’re working on updating the Node software. You will soon receive an invitation to update yours and to turn it into a Programmable Internet Node.

The new node reward system

In preparation for Programmable Internet and based on new requirements for the network, we are introducing different levels of weekly rewards that will vary for nodes with different specifications. Nodes will be compensated as follows:

1. Nodes with WebRTC enabled (120 hours uptime) — 50 NOIAs

2. VPS with IPv6 address (120 hours uptime)— 100 NOIAs

3. Residential PC with IPv6 address (120 hours uptime)— 200 NOIAs

The level of reward is assigned according to the node’s value to the network. For instance, nodes running in residential PCs provide us with the last mile (the part of the network chain that physically reaches the end-user) information and IPv6 protocol allows us to receive more comprehensive data and to prepare nodes for sharing the network capacity, as well as to connect to the backbone. Because of this reason, nodes running residential PCs with IPv6 addresses are the most valuable, and nodes with other specifications are less valuable, thus rewarded accordingly.


As always, we invite you to chat with NOIA Network community managers on Telegram!

