Web3Infra Alliance launched

Domantas Jaskunas
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


February 11th, 2018

San Francisco, CA

Today we are excited to announce the launch of the Web3Infra Alliance, an open developer platform for Web 3.0 applications that thrives on decentralization and the shared economy. This alliance is founded by four leading blockchain projects with strong developer offerings covering software development tools ranging from data and file storage, data transmission, content delivery, to name service. This alliance is open and we welcome other projects to join and participate in helping us create the best ecosystem for decentralized applications.

Today, almost all application developers rely on centralized services for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stages of application development:

  1. Define business logic and user interactions unique to their application
  2. Choose infrastructure services such as file storage, database, CDN, etc.
  3. Choose a platform to deploy the production system to
  4. Choose a name service for your web application.

These centralized services are not only costly, but also introduce single points of failure. Furthermore, in many cases, these centralized services bring about strong forces of censorship and control, depending on the jurisdiction that applies. For example, certain forms of communication that the government might not favor could be forcibly banned from a centralized system. Such localized forms of control are highly undesirable and counter-productive.

What if there was a world where you could focus entirely on the business logic and great user experience, while the decentralized infrastructure could take care of the rest? Web3Infra Alliance aim to provide just such a developer toolkit, giving you the development tools, hosting, and deployment automation.

Mission: Web3Infra Alliance intend to unify the decentralized ecosystem by integrating different Web3 components to create an open and unified environment.

The founding members of the Web3Infra Alliance are (in alphabetical order):

  • Bluzelle: A decentralized database ecosystem that allows individuals and businesses to have full data control and the ability to monetize that data
  • NKN: a peer to peer networking protocol powered by the sharing economy that enables individuals and carriers to trade unused bandwidth, and applications to send data directly to each other without centralized servers.
  • NOIA Network: Network Of Internet Acceleration — a distributed content delivery layer (CDN) that utilizes a widely dispersed edge node network in order to increase Internet performance.
  • Portal Network: Portal Network aims to build decentralized domain name for the New Internet with surrounding platforms to improve both technical (KAIZEN) and non-technical (MUMEI) user adoption.
Founding members of Web3Infra

To achieve the Web3Infra Alliance’s ambitious goal, we intend to build upon the KAIZEN platform with native integration of the four founding projects’ SDKs. KAIZEN empowers users to learn, deploy, run, and manage decentralized applications utilizing multiple languages and frameworks. A high-level system architecture diagram is shown below:

Web3Infra technical stack. Disclaimer: These are examples of projects which fit into the Web3Infra, we welcome them to join the alliance.

The following will be available at launch:

Call for action

  • If you are Web 3.0 infrastructure project (e.g. decentralized computing, identity, etc.) and would like to join Web3Infra, please contact us at info@web3infra.io
  • If you are an application developer, please head to our github https://github.com/web3infra/dchat and start tinkering. You might be surprised how easy and powerful it is to develop on top of the Web3Infra software platform and toolchain. Please join our Discord channel for technical discussions plus notifications of meetups and hackathons.
  • If you are interested in Web3Infra technology and business potentials, please follow us on Twitter for latest updates and upcoming events.

For further information:

Contact person per project

