7 Open Source Projects You Should Know [Rust Edition] ✔️
7 Open Source Projects You Should Know [Rust Edition] ✔️

7 Open Source Projects You Should Know [Rust Edition] ✔️

Domenico Tenace


Hi everyone 👋🏼​
In this article, I’m going to look at seven OSS repository that you should know written in Rust, interesting projects that caught my attention and that I want to share.
Let’s start 🤙🏼​


Deno is the open-source JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly runtime for the modern web. Built on web standards with zero-config TypeScript, unmatched security, and a complete built-in toolchain, it is the easiest, most productive way to JavaScript.
It’s a most competitor of Node.js, another JavaScript runtime 😌


Espanso is Cross-platform Text Expander, program that detects when you type a specific keyword and replaces it with something else.
Espanso is privacy first and cross platform, available for Linux, Windows and macOS 🥳



Domenico Tenace

Software Developer passionate about the IT world and everything related to it and I write technical articles to share my experiences and knowledge 💻