Orbem Wars — Airdrop Details

Domerium Labs
9 min readDec 27, 2021


All you have to know about the Orbem Wars NFT airdrop! How to qualify, how to get priority for higher rarities, snapshot period, and more.

Note, this blog will be updated as community questions make it apparent that further clarifications are needed. Consider this blog the single source of truth.

Setting the Stage

How many NFT airdrops have you seen? How many for an NFTgame? There haven’t been that many yet. So before we go into the details, we believe it is important to set the stage and share some of the considerations we took into account.

Player Acquisition and Retention

Two core concepts of game design are:

  1. Player acquisition — why would players start playing the game (at launch, and after)?
  2. Player retention — why would a player keep playing the game after they started?

There are many elements that go into these two concepts, but one thing is certain, when the loot dries up (no more NFTs to earn), both player acquisition and retention will drop to near zero.

Conclusion — we can only airdrop a relatively low percentage of total NFTs. Keeping a large pool of NFTs to distribute over a long period of time.

The In-Game Economy

The in-game economy will have a large impact on the entertainment factor — how much we will all enjoy playing Orbem Wars. To few NFTs and we feel like we can never get lucky, and thus not progress. Too many and we will feel like they are worthless, an unrewarding experience. We can’t predict all variables of the economy (future player count for example). However, more fixed variables increase the chances of our economic model playing out to the benefit of the game and the players.

Conclusion — the number of NFTs we airdrop is fixed. Resulting in a cut-off (minimum stake), but the exact minimum stake is unknown until the snapshot has taken place.

Dropping NFTs vs Dropping Tokens

We are dropping NFTs, not tokens. Tokens can be split, e.g. someone could be airdropped 0.1 SHD. We can’t split NFTs, requiring a different airdrop model than people may be used to.

Conclusion — the stakers that -just- missed the airdrop, or -just- missed a rarity level, may be left with a sour taste in their mouth. We are aware of that, but we don’t see a way around it.

Distributing rarity

We would love to distribute some of the rarest NFTs in the airdrop, and these would obviously be very limited (25). How do you fairly distribute 25 NFTs among 28,000 delegators? Highest-stake? Raffle? Will the NFTs reach gamers or investors??

Conclusion — we require an action to be eligible for the higher rarity NFTs. This action should signal interest and support. We call this Proof-of-Sincerity. There is no easy way to test sincerity on-chain. The closest we could come up with is delegation. A person that is interested in and follows Orbem Wars would be reading this announcement and would be okay with delegating to our validator to signal their interest and their support for the game. It isn’t perfect, we know, but we will go with it.

It is not our intent to shift delegations significantly, and we have chosen our NFT drop numbers to avoid large shifts. However, we can’t predict the future, and we recognize this is somewhat of a network experiment. We will write a review after the airdrop, success or failure, and share what we would have done differently (if any). This will hopefully function as a source for other teams that plan similar drops in the future.

Airdrop — Numbers, and Details


To avoid dropping NFTs to dormant wallets you will have to have delegated/redelegated/claimed or interacted with a contract on Secret Network in December or January.

You need to be staking from a non-custodial wallet to a non-exchange validator on the network during the snapshot period from 14 January to 28 January 2022. The first snapshot will determine your total stake, the last snapshot will determine validator distribution.

Any delegations from tagged addresses like the Foundation, Ecosystem Pool, Enigma, the validator addresses themself, and exchanges like Binance, are excluded. This is to avoid distributing NFTs to companies instead of gamers.

In order to get priority for higher rarity NFTs (New-Gen, Quantum, Enigmatic) you have to be staking to the DomeriumLabs validator.


Orbem Wars’ NFTs have 6 rarities. The first two are non-NFT/ virtual items on the game servers. The last 4 are NFTs on the Secret Network blockchain. The following number of NFTs will be airdropped.

All NFTs will be offensive turret schematics (Vulcan Cannon, Railgun, Missile Launcher, Plasma Turret, and Laser Turret).

Distribution Order

  • Max 1 NFT per wallet, highest eligible rarity
  • For step 1–4 only your delegations towards the DomeriumLabs validator count
  • For step 5–6 your combined delegations to all eligible validators count, including DomeriumLabs.

Pool 1 — DomeriumLabs delegators — Proof-of-Sincerity

  1. 25 Enigmatic NFTs to rank 1–25 by highest stake (minimum ≥100 SCRT) on the DomeriumLabs validator.
  2. 200 Quantum NFTs to rank 26–225 by highest stake (minimum ≥100 SCRT) on the Domerium Labs validator.
  3. 1,500 New-Gen NFTs to rank 226–1,725 by highest stake (minimum ≥100 SCRT) on the Domerium Labs Validator.
  4. 10,000 High-Tech NFTs to any remaining delegators that have staked ≥100SCRT on the Domerium Labs validator.

Considering that
a) the top validator (Citadel.One) currently has 6,659 delegators,
b) the median delegator count 357, and
c) the current delegator count for DomeriumLabs (started on 23 December), is 155,
it is highly unlikely that all NFTs will go to DomeriumLabs delegators. In fact, we expect that a large portion of the New-Gen rarity along with nearly all High-Tech NFTs will be distributed among delegators to other validators on the network.

For pool 2 we will, in this example, assume there are 1,321 New-Gen NFTs and 10,000 High-Tech NFTs left for distribution. Final numbers are to be determined with the snapshot.

Pool 2 — All remaining delegations to all eligible validators

5. 1,321 New-Gen NFTs to rank 1–1,321 by highest stake.

6. 10,000 High-Tech NFTs to rank 1322–11,321 by highest stake.

Wen claim?

We will announce the exact day you can claim the NFT at a later date. This is largely dependent on the development of Orbem Wars. Orbem Wars is currently on schedule for an early access release at the end of January. However, there are some hurdles that may lead to unforeseen surprises. When Orbem Wars has a release date, we can consider the claim date. Claiming will be possible on release, or very shortly after.


Why do I have to stake a minimum of 100SCRT to prove my sincerity??

Staking to the DomeriumLabs validator gives you a priority. That priority does require a cut-off to strike a balance we can stand by. Imagine somebody staking 0.01SCRT to the DomeriumLabs validator, getting priority for a High-Tech NFT whereas a delegator staking 10,000 SCRT to another node gets nothing. We don’t believe that would be a fair balance. Furthermore, we don’t want to cause a large shift in delegations in the network. That wouldn’t be good for network health.

If I stake <100SCRT, for example, 75SCRT, can I still get an NFT?

Possibly, you require 100SCRT delegated to the Domerium Labs validator to get priority for the NFT drop in distribution order step 4, but could very well be in the top 11725 eligible delegators network-wide in distribution order step 5 & 6. Step 5 & 6 have no minimum, it simply distributes all remaining NFTs to delegators by SCRT staked.

Is staking with DomeriumLabs safe?

DomeriumLabs’ validator runs

  • In a tier3 datacenter (very high redundancy of power, network, and cooling),
  • Uses the most powerful compliant CPU (e-2288g) together with
  • 64GB RAM (double the recommended amount, quadruple the minimum amount),
  • 2TB Enterprise-grade NVMe storage with full blockchain history,
  • Has implemented all security measures you can expect from a professional validating service.

This is among the most stable validating setups you can currently find on the network.

Whenever I try to redelegate, I get an error!

Please note that whenever you redelegate a hidden timer of 21 days starts. You won’t be able to redelegate SCRT from the validator until that timer runs out. In that sense, redelegating is similar to unbonding, only you continue to earn rewards. Our choice to let the last snapshot determine delegations per validator is intentional, as people will have 30+ days to redelegate, it should be enough time, even if you redelegated to another validator just before the details of this airdrop were announced.

How much will my NFT be worth?

We don’t know. This would depend on what rarity you have received, the specific stats that particular NFT rolled with, the popularity of the NFT category, and the popularity of the game. Finally, there is the non-monetary value of having an early advantage in Orbem Wars. Each individual will have to decide for themselves if they believe the NFT will be worth it for them.

As the same NFT could be rolled with different stats, how do you divide them?

At random. We don’t know who owns which wallet. We have a script that will assign a random NFT of a certain rarity to an eligible wallet.

Will there be a clawback?

Yes, we aren’t 100% decided on the time period, but we expect a claim period of 3 months before the NFT returns to the loot pool. Final details will be communicated when we announce the claim date.

What does the claim process look like?

Final details are being worked out here. As it stands now you will navigate to a claim page. Connect with your Keplr wallet, provide your in-game account, and sign a transaction. A smart contract will verify you are the wallet owner and inform the game server. The NFT will be available in the game when you relog. A claiming guide will be provided ahead of time.

What wallet will I need for the airdrop?

The Keplr wallet.

Can I increase my stake during the snapshot period?

Your total delegations across all validators in the first snapshot will count towards the NFT distribution. Our first snapshot could be on the first day, it could be on the second, it could be on the last. Only we know. As long as you increase your stake before our first snapshot, it counts.

Can I redelegate to the DomeriumLabs validator and be eligible for the priority?

Your delegation to Domerium Labs in the last snapshot will determine priority and the distribution of rarities. However, your eligible delegation to DomeriumLabs can never be higher than your total stake across all validators in the first snapshot.

Can I safely redelegate during the snapshot period?

Delegating away from the DomeriumLabs validator during the snapshot will result in a loss of priority eligibility. If you redelegate from a non-DomeriumLabs validator to another non-DomeriumsLabs validator (both non-exchange validators) it will not impact your airdrop eligibility. Redelegating to the DomeriumLabs validator will give you priority eligibility in the airdrop.

How will you avoid someone gaming the airdrop?

The only way one could potentially game the airdrop is by splitting their SCRT over multiple addresses and staking with each of them. The airdrop discourages this by:
a) People will have to unbond first, waiting 21 days without getting rewards.
b) Splitting your stake over wallets means you will receive lower rarity NFTs, not something we would do (and we know the numbers).
c) Every new wallet that is eligible after this airdrop announcement will be investigated. We have built a script to help us find any individuals that try to game it. We reserve the right to remove addresses from the airdrop distribution if we suspect an attempt at gaming the airdrop.

How do I get more Orbem Wars NFTs after the airdrop?

  1. You will be able to earn them in-game through playing the campaign (you will find them in the loot).
  2. You will be able to earn them in-game by participating in and ranking high in contracts, events, and leagues.
  3. You will be able to buy them from other players on the Stashh.io marketplace



Domerium Labs

We are a NFTgame development company building on Juno Network