Orbem Wars — Developer Update #1

Domerium Labs
5 min readJan 25, 2022


Learn more about Orbem Wars’ release schedule, the NFT airdrop, the research tree, and more!

NFT Airdrop

We are, at the time of writing, three days out from the end of the snapshot period. Let us first express our gratitude and amazement with the delegation that our validator has received so far. Words like ‘stunned’ and ‘flabbergasted’ can’t even start to describe our reaction, thank you! With this dev update, we want to share the block height of the first snapshot.

The first snapshot, the snapshot that determines your maximum eligible stake, was taking on block height 1,750,000 — 15 January 14:55 UTC.

As we approach the end of the snapshot period on the 28th of January, we advise you that the last snapshot could be taken at any time on the 28th, any time meaning, at any time it is the 28th in any of the timezones worldwide. We will not announce the exact time the snapshot takes place as this could result in sniping.

Railgun T1

Sniping, you ask? The last snapshot will determine delegations per validator for rarity distribution. We do not know if stakers are planning to redelegate at the last moment to snipe higher rarity NFTs, and we surely won’t give them an exact timestamp to perfect this practice.

Orbem Wars Release Schedule

First, the bad news. Orbem Wars was scheduled to release in open-alpha by the end of this month. However, two of the core contributors have been under the weather, with one still recovering. Excited as we are, the health of the team takes absolute priority over everything else. As we are a small team, this has impacted our timeline.

Over the past 3 weeks, several details regarding the release have been revealed in community calls on Discord. We would like to share these details (and some alpha) in writing for everyone to read.

Orbem Wars will have a 5-step release schedule. We take these steps to ensure we get the balance of the game right. The stats of NFTs can’t be changed after mint, resulting in somewhat of a challenge compared to ‘conventional’ games.

Time indications below, are just that, indications.

Phase 1 — Open Alpha — expected in February

We start with an open alpha test. This test will allow everyone to get familiar with Orbem Wars. In this alpha state, some of the graphics, sounds, effects, and game options will not be available or intentionally removed for testing purposes. During this phase, there won’t be any NFTs as the items are created virtually for testing purposes only.

Goal: test balance between turrets and map difficulty, general game mechanics, and server load.

Reason to join: 1) first look, 2) first opportunity to get information to start planning your domination of Ehen (knowledge = power), 3) to help Orbem Wars become the best it can be.

Data wipe: Yes

Phase 2 — Open Beta — Expected in March

After tweaks and implementing/reactivating various graphics, sounds, effects, and game options, we will open a public beta test. This test will include NFTs. We will test loot mechanics and algorithms, rewards distribution for in-game events, and are committed to further balance testing and improvements.

Goal: test NFT functionality, algorithms, balance, and untested game modes. Further server load testing.

Reason to join: 1) Stats are likely to be close to final stats so you can start to plan your game strategy, 2) first opportunity to see all early game modes in action, 3) to help Orbem Wars become the best it can be.

Data wipe: Yes

Phase 3 — Early Access — Expected in March/April

Launch of Orbem Wars as a product on mainnet. From this phase onwards, all the NFTs you find are yours to keep. Stashh integration is expected to be done shortly after to enable NFT trading.

In early access, we will launch with a limited number of turrets and modifications that we have tested in Alpha and Beta. The PVP and storyline events will be locked for the time being.

Goal: Launch Orbem Wars

Reason to join: Early birds will experience a relatively higher NFT drop rate.

Data wipe: No — from now on, you get to keep the spoils of war.

Phase 4 — Ecosystem Expansion

As we get more data from player activity, we can make final tweaks to the turrets and mods that aren’t introduced yet. During the expansion phase, we will introduce new turrets, new modifications, and finally, the introduction of tank NFTs, and special vehicle modifications in preparations of the PVP mode.

Phase 5 — Game Updates

Phase 5 in reality is a never-ending phase that will likely see various code names for specific features. Some of the updates we expect to launch within the first quarter of launching:

Plasma Turret T3
  • the release of the PVP leagues,
  • the start of an immersive multiplayer storyline,
  • the introduction of the tech tree, and
  • the expansion of the universe from 1 constellation to multiple.

A Final Word on the Tech Tree

The technology tree is going to be the final frontier on which players will be able to compete. Designed to not be game-breaking, but definitely game-altering, the tech tree allows you to set a group of researchers to work on materials and parts you find on the battlefield.

Using destructive physical analysis your researchers will try to improve on their technical understanding of alloys & armor, energy systems, and weapon technology, giving you the edge in combat.

The rarer the parts and materials are, the faster your researchers will make progress. Heck, some reckless mercenaries may even sacrifice fully functional equipment to speed up their research…

We will leave you speculating on the implications……see you in the next blog :)



Domerium Labs

We are a NFTgame development company building on Juno Network