My Debut in the Skyrunner World Series

Calamorro Skyrace — 27km 2270 D+

Dominic Crippa
4 min readApr 25, 2024
Me at the finish line

¡Hola Chavales! I want to share my first Sky Runner World Series experience at the epic Calamorro Skyrace in Spain🇪🇸, which took place on April 6, 2024.

First off, let me explain what the Skyrunner World Series is all about. It’s basically the major leagues of Skyrunning, organized by the International Skyrunning Federation (ISF). For mountain runners like me, it’s a dream to be a part of it and see top-notch sky runners in action.

The race kicked off in Benalmadena, a cosy town near Malaga by the sea. I got there with my running buddies a day before the race. You can check out our adventures on Instagram -> link

My running team before the race

The race

My race stats on Strava -> link

It didn’t start great for me. Just 2 kilometres in, I felt off, my heart was racing, my legs tired, and I couldn’t keep up the pace. Despite feeling a bit rough, I pushed through, dealing with a stomach ache and overall fatigue. Even going downhill wasn’t easy, as I kept getting passed by faster runners, which was frustrating.

During the first descent, I quickly realized it wouldn’t be my day for setting records. So, I shifted gears mentally and focused on simply crossing the finish line. The second hill was particularly brutal, leaving me utterly exhausted. At the top of the second peak, a friend caught me on video, jokingly saying, “See you at the finish line!” My response? A weary “I hope so” highlighting just how drained I was, and that was only at the 14-kilometre mark.

During the race

During the 2nd descent I fell, I hurt my elbow but thankfully nothing serious, then I met one of my running mates who was also not well, I went for a short distance with him but he was worse off than me so we lost touch.

At the refreshment point before the last uphill, I took a quick break to refuel and recharge. It felt like forever, but I finally reached the top at the 21-kilometre mark, the downhill after that was a relief, even though it was dark and tricky.

By the time I hit the last refreshment spot at kilometre 25, I made the mistake of drinking too much, too quickly, which is why after less than 1 km I had to sit on the ground for a while due to nausea. I finished the race and cried from fatigue for a while. I don’t drink soda in my life but the Pepsi revitalized me at that moment.

From the stories of friends and my girlfriend I was white in the face, tending towards the green after the race, probably dehydrated and low on sugar but happy and satisfied!

Key Takeaways from My Experience

  1. Invest in Proper Footwear 👟
    Lesson learned the hard way! Wearing the wrong shoes for walking before the race led to discomfort, especially under my knees, which likely impacted my performance.
  2. Bring earplugs 🎧
    Noise disrupted my sleep the night before the race, affecting my energy levels, earplugs will be a must for next time.
  3. Probiotics 💊
    To combat stomach issues caused by pre-race stress and anxiety, I’ll be sure to bring along lactic ferments next time. These can be a lifesaver in maintaining digestive health during intense periods like race preparation and travel.
  4. Fuel Up Properly 🍉
    During long races, it’s crucial to consume enough fuel to sustain energy levels. Even when I didn’t feel like eating, I discovered the benefits of snacks like watermelon at aid stations, providing much-needed hydration and effectively replenishing sugars.
  5. Hydration Strategy 🚰
    While I carried two water bottles filled with salts for electrolyte balance, their sweet taste led to some nausea throughout the race. In the future, I will opt for one bottle with water and one with salts to ensure a balanced hydration strategy without the unpleasant side effects.


The race was an incredible experience, but in the immediate aftermath, I declared, “Okay, I’m done with trail running. I don’t want to go through this kind of suffering again.” However, there was a curious shift in my mindset. Despite my initial resolve, I experienced an unexpected surge of enthusiasm and motivation. It was like a switch flipped in my brain, triggering a fervour for more training and races. So much so that I registered for one of the next stages of the Skyrunner World Series! The Sky Race du Mercantour 30km in France 🇫🇷 on June 23rd. It’s curious how the highs and lows of racing can fuel our determination to push further and reach new heights. 🏔️🔥

Affiliate Corner

I used the Garmin Forerunner 955 ⌚ to track my race!



Dominic Crippa

Data/Software engineer with a passion for trail running and books. Exploring the intersection of code, nature, and culture. 🏃💻📚