Dapps Inc. collaborates with Chainlink to enable Salesforce Users with accurate, real-time data feeds for Smart Contract Management

Dominic Steil
5 min readJun 17, 2019


In its quest to empower the global CRM community with next-gen enterprise applications powered by Blockchain, San Francisco-based Dapps Inc. is working with Chainlink to provide secure, trusted oracle services and mission-critical data feeds for smart contracts on the Dappsuite™ EBC platform. EBC creates a seamless CRM experience for Salesforce customers looking to leverage data for critical business decisions.

Global CRM users of DappSuite™, built on the company’s core EBC technology platform, and its library of enterprise-grade smart contracts can swiftly eliminate data inaccuracy while reducing the latency and complexity associated with sales and service workflow processes. The two companies will integrate trusted data feeds into the Dappsuite™ (BPaaS) blockchain platform as a service. Global users of DappSuite™, the world’s most ubiquitous BPaaS for CRM customers can initiate, control and drive CRM workflow processes powered by Ethereum smart contracts and trusted data feeds in Chainlink’s oracle network.

Dom Steil, Co-Founder and CTO of Dapps, says, “The next generation of digitally native enterprise agreements has arrived. Chainlink provides the missing piece for self-executing B2B smart contracts through their decentralized oracle network. Dappsuite will enable users to receive access to real-time, tamper-proof, golden source data for any solution built on the Dappsuite platform.”

Since its founding, Dapps Inc. has worked with Fortune 500 companies to digitally transform agreements, contracts, and invoices on the Salesforce platform. Smart contract management enables CRM users to improve deal velocity with smarter management of agreements, policies, invoices and contracts on Sales and Service Cloud. By eliminating costly contract negotiation and manual, time-consuming contract processes such as reconciliation and settlement between stakeholders, CRM users can focus on delivering superior customer service.

“By providing consistent data feeds along with existing CRM data through API protocols, Dappsuite and Chainlink integration immediately puts to use various CRM and non-CRM data sets in customer’s Salesforce CRM to accelerate sales, service and contracting cycles with greater confidence and efficiency,” says Vikal Kapoor, Co-Founder & CEO of Dapps. “Our EBC technology platform continues to provide our global CRM customers with normalized customer, reference, pricing and historical datasets via Dappsuite. Chainlink integration now widens our data feed offering with oracle sets demanded by smart contracts on Salesforce.”

Sergey Nazarov, CEO of Chainlink, added, “We’re excited to collaborate with Dapps Inc. The integration with Chainlink will enable enterprise users of Salesforce to power their smart contract based B2B workflows by securely accessing off-chain CRM and sales data through DappSuite.”

CRM Customers need to make timely and accurate decisions based on real-time data and analytics on a unified system across stakeholders. Decision making processes cannot be optimized if the underlying agreement process is powered by a complete tripartite integration of data, analytics and siloed systems of engagement. Synchronization of on-and off-chain data and processes yield accurate communication; furthermore auto-execution between people and technology across organizations becomes the new cybernetic normal. Dappsuite enables CRM users access to the global settlement layer and network of B2B self-executing smart contracts. Businesses experience vastly improved contract performance and payments like never before. Dappsuite unlocks enormous value for enterprise companies through the integration of internal and external data from various systems, such as CRM, which is essential for vendor relationship management specifically around sales, service, marketing and contracting functions.

Dappsuite’s integration with Chainlink enables CRM Customers with the ability to create auto-executing agreements. The deterministic outputs are based on met or unmet inputs — yielding accelerated reduction of operating expenses related to invoices, contracts, agreements and trade confirmations. Customer examples of outputs include escrow payments, retailer inventory replenishments, insurance payouts and triggers associated to collateralized loans. Customers of Financial Services Cloud can become more efficient via the reduction of counterparty risk and account receivables by having a decentralized, immutable and codified representation of the future. The self-executing smart contracts gap that exist in the market today is due to the fact that smart contracts need to be nourished by actionable data from trusted data providers, APIs and payment systems via global blockchain networks.

Companies of all sizes can now use Dappsuite to deploy smart contracts with Chainlink to bridge to key off-chain resources that will ultimately give them a competitive advantage when deploying to a smart contract backend from Salesforce. These businesses can now connect to Chainlink, the best-in-class project that builds trusted and secure oracles for major decentralized applications. Chainlink’s oracles will give Dappsuite users access to traditionally off-chain information, thereby increasing the security, performance, and competitiveness of Dappsuite users’ enterprise smart contracts.

Click here to view a quick 5-minute demo of the Dappsuite + Chainlink demo.

A Free Trial of Dappsuite is available on the Salesforce AppExchange:


About Dapps Inc.

Dapps Inc. is a B2B software company that has led the enterprise blockchain computing (EBC) category with customer relationship management (CRM) applications since its founding in San Francisco in 2017. The company’s decentralized applications (dApps) enable global organizations to vastly improve digital value-chains with customers and vendors by accelerating sales, service, marketing and contract life cycles. The company’s applications are built on its proprietary core EBC technology platform that uses patented methodology and parallel analysis across Salesforce, Google Cloud, Ethereum, Hyperledger and Corda Blockchain. Dapps enterprise-grade middleware connectors includeDappsuite, Dappscape and Dappsync to extend the Salesforce platform with ethereum, hyperledger and corda global blockchain networks. DSOA application is a distributed system of agreement that enables CRM customers to accelerate agreement, invoice, and contract life cycle (CLM) management. Industry vertical dApps for retail, supply chain, transport, logistics, hospitality, oil & gas and company’s products are available directly and via System Integration partners. The Dappservices division has served Salesforce customers with CRM Blockchain solutions since 2017. The division has helped define intelligent technology strategies that include AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity and IoT technologies for digital transformation projects at global organizations and leading consulting firms. The CRM applications are offered to global customers directly and via Google Cloud Platform (NASDAQ: GOOG), Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) and R3 (NY, NY) marketplaces as well as strategic partnerships including TechMahindra. The company is part of the World Economic Forum’s Digital Transformation Committee and World Trade Centre, Fourth Industrial Revolution Alliance. It is headquartered in San Mateo, California with additional offices in New York and Barcelona.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely access off-chain data feeds, web APIs, and traditional bank payments. Chainlink is consistently selected as one of the top blockchain technologies by leading independent research firms such as Gartner. It is well known for providing highly secure and reliable oracles to both large enterprises (SWIFT) and leading smart contract development team. Learn more by visiting theChainlink website and developer documentation or joining them on Telegram and Twitter.

