Understanding and Contributing to A Team’s Workflow with Collaborating tools such as GIT, GITHUB and PIVOTAL TRACKER.

Dominic Isioma
2 min readMay 31, 2019


credit: FunTeam Image depicts teamwork in rowing a boat


a cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.. source dictionary.com.

How a group of people collaborates, will determine the outcome of any project they work on, and as it has been widely approved that “two heads are actually better than one” if a team can put in efforts to work seamlessly, that team will deliver the most confident outputs.

In software development, there are a number of tools that help in facilitating a bond between teammates, by ensuring they each know what the other is doing at a particular time, and I will be speaking on three of those tools, namely: Git, Github, Pivotal Tracker


This is a distributed version control system, basically used for tracking changes in your source code while developing a software.


This is a platform that makes your git go remotely, that is, not confined to a single laptop at a given time, and Github gives Git a nice GUI(graphic user interface). Both Git and Github are open sources.


Pivotal Tracker is a tool that amongst all the things it does is to help you and your team create stories, these stories are either a feature or chore to be implemented or a bug to fix.

Using the aforementioned tools greatly reduces the risk of having two people in a team, work on the same things at the same time, they also help prevent unnecessary code changing.

Now that we have looked at these tools, let us get to understand what it means to understand a team’s workflow.

Every team you work with as a software developer will come up with their unique workflow and how they do things, as a developer, you should be dynamic enough to tolerate changes and be able to adapt to those changes. Understanding the dos and don’t in a team is a great asset to any developer.

Understanding a team’s workflow simply means, knowing what your team wants and sticking to it.


Be Dynamic.

