Deadpool 2 (Spoiler review)

Dominic Sedillo
4 min readJun 9, 2018


1,000 words right here!

Posted: Friday, June 08, 2018

In a nutshell…

The fourth wall-breaking merc with a mouth is back for another joyful ride into frivolity. He has a serious mission and a serious antagonist on his trail; oh, and he’s got plenty of foils this time.


  • The action is a lot better in every sense.
  • There was an X-character that I was not expecting to show up.
  • Domino almost single-handedly steals this movie.


  • Everything is bigger but somehow doesn’t feel better.
  • A lot of the jokes don’t land and some of them go on for a painful amount of time.
  • The serious side of this movie really drags the pacing and the story down and kinda feels unnecessary to keeping the character grounded.


I recommend seeing this movie because of it’s very winning moments and characters. However, I do feel like this sequel was exactly what I feared it would be: more of the same.

“I’m the Juggernaut #$@&%*!"

Spoilers Ahoy!

“Nothing compares to you…”

The action is very well paced and 10 times better in this movie as it was in the original. The best sequences in this film are the fights inside the prison and when they transport the prisoners. It feels like there are stakes and impact (which is something that superhero movies lack when there is action).

Also a lot of the action is hilarious, which is also not something you get in standard superhero fare. The most winning jokes, in my opinion, are not the quips from Deadpool, but how a lot of the action plays for humor.

When the Juggernaut shows up, and actually looks like the Juggernaut from the comics, I couldn’t help but grin a grin of wonder and excitement.

My only beef with ol’ Juggy is that he didn’t do a lot of Juggernauting; he shows he’s strong, but not a lot of him being unstoppable.

The way the movie handles Domino is just joy on film. It’s like watching a Rube Goldberg contraption come to life inside of an action heist. She is just so much fun.

“Where are you going, Where do you go…?”

This movie is a better made movie. The scope and scale of it are better than the first in every regard, but somehow that has made it lose a bit of it’s charm. The first one was scrappy and irreveratnt, whereas this one is trying a bit too hard.

I mentioned a lot of the jokes are based inside the action being the best jokes in the movie; for me they are. I realize that I may be in the minority, but much of the time I don’t find Deadpool all that funny.

He’s definitely funnier when he’s playing off of his foils, but when he’s carrying a scene it’s too much. Also, Deadpool is a character that I’ve never really been able to fully get. I understand his appeal and why so many people like him, but I guess it comes down to his brand of humor not fully striking the same chords on me as it does his fans.

The end scene joke in particular drags on way too long. I’m thinking that was the point, but it feels long in a bad way, which may also be the point.

Lastly, all the stuff with Vanessa is really boring. I think using her again to anchor this wacky character into the real world doesn’t work the second time and this time feels SO heavy-handed. Besides his relationship and mission with Fire Fist seems like the anchor and I think should have been the only anchor for Deadpool.

Final thoughts…

For me, Deadpool is like a pizza with every possible topping on top of it and in this movie in particular it feels that way, but doubled.

I think there is plenty to like and lots of moments that I still felt a sense of unbelief at what I was watching* (*in that fun way).

Oh and is he ever actually going to eat a chimichanga?

