ORIBI Analytics Review 2021

Dominic Victor
11 min readMay 14, 2021


Easily understand your website results. Get the actionable info you need. Try Oribi for Free.

Have you heard of ORIBI yet? If you're in the world of digital marketing, you would probably have. It's not incredibly new, but it became new to us though about 6 months ago. To be quite honest, I am in love with ORIBI so far.

Google Analytics, but with better and more actionable insights sounded great, but is it worth switching? I could see how selling that switch from Google Analytics to another software might be hard for some marketing teams within their company or agency. Everyone just loves good old google analytics, right? Well I don’t, and the more I thought about it the more I found out I didn’t even like it a little bit.

These days, Google has the analytics market covered. But does this mean we should neglect other solutions entirely?

Though Google Analytics is clearly a great platform and will meet the needs of most, we believe other platforms deserves some attention too and this is why we’ve compiled this comparison today. Will Oribi live up to the high standards set by Google?

Why Choose Google Analytics?

Formed in 2005, Google Analytics is currently the most popular and widely used analytics program on the internet. As well as tracking millions of data points on desktop, Google has also expanded to the mobile world which allows users to gather usage data from both Android and iOS.

There are many reasons why you might select Google Analytics for your own use including the many metrics. Once installed (which itself is simple), you’ll have access to bounce rate, return visitor conversion, value per visit, session duration, lead generation costs, pages per session, exit pages, and many more. With so many metrics, it’s easy to pay attention to the most important areas and use the data to make well-informed decisions.

Furthermore, you can integrate your Google Analytics account with Google AdWords. Suddenly, the two are working in harmony and you can assess the quality of campaigns and whether they’re performing over a period of time.

Elsewhere, the benefits of choosing Google Analytics include the fact that it’s absolutely free. For small businesses who want to assess the performance of ads or work out where traffic originates, having this free tool will be beneficial for the budget.

We could also point to the flexibility and freedom users have with Google Analytics. As your business grows, Analytics will grow with you. Over time, you can change your focus and switch the metrics to which you pay attention. All the while, you’ll have a bank of historical data which you can use as a base for decisions and further growth.

Why Choose Oribi?

If you’re going to stray away from one of the biggest names on the internet, you’re going to need a good reason. We think Oribi is a good reason thanks to their many fantastic features. Not only does the platform cover the basics well, they manage to surpass Google in certain areas.

When using this platform, one of the first things you’re likely to notice is the stunning dashboard. Of course, functionality and various other aspects are more important than aesthetics, but it helps, right? With this sleek and engaging design, everything you need is displayed cleanly in one place.

Next up, the insights you receive are easy to understand and changes can be implemented quickly as a direct result of these insights. If you visit the Oribi website, you’ll see one of their aims is to make analytics accessible for everybody and their platform is an embodiment of this idea.

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Since you can install the tracking code on your website, there’s also an option to exclude specific pages if you don’t want to gather data there. Also, the tracking code works in isolation which means you can have Oribi working alongside other tracking platforms such as Google Analytics.

With Oribi, all the interactions with your website are presented in summary form and you can track behavior across several domains. Without requiring knowledge of coding or other technical skills, Oribi is for those with little experience and who want to build funnels, define conversions, and create reports.

As the founder and CEO, we should also mention that Iris Shoor is somebody with a successful background in the technology industry. This is Shoor’s third successful venture after previously launching VisualTao (which grew to 10 million users around the world) and Takipi.

ORIBI has extremely simple FUNNELS that you can set up.

So far, I have set up about 5 funnels, and it has been one of the easiest set-ups of my 15+ year career. After I dropped the ORIBI tag snippet onto my website via GTM, it was pretty magical. The system could see all of my buttons and links, and I could assign these actions and clicks into my funnels! Normally you have to set up event tracking and all this jive, but with ORIBI it was all too simple. And the data I am getting is TOP DRAWER. TOP DRAWER, I say.


This is a magical function of ORIBI that I have fallen deeply in love with (don’t tell my husband). This is where true data-driven insights come into play. Sure, any digital marketing person with a few years of experience can dive into Google Analytics and pull some action items out of the data, but this system makes it even easier to see data correlations. You do have to set these up, but curiosity NEVER kills the cat in digital marketing. It makes the cat bigger, and stronger. (LOL) A great example would be my curiosity around people who land on a blog post from organic, vs. a person who lands on one of our service pages from organic. ORIBI tells me that people who visit our "Services Overview" page are 4.5x more likely to fill out our contact form. How is that NOT awesome to know.

I consider ORIBI to be much more about website usability and CRO (conversion rate optimization) than Google Analytics.

Their "Visitor Journeys" dashboard is INCREDIBLY useful, and this particular dashboard allows you to look at individual visitor journeys along with an aggregated view over any date range you desire. Normally you are using something like CrazyEgg or another heat-mapping system to see this kind of data. I suppose this would be ORIBI's answer to the "Behavior Flow" report in Google Analytics, which is incredibly hard to process insights from in this NERD's opinion. A couple of things that I love about the "Visitor Journeys" report:

Easily filter visitors from specific traffic sources to see the differences in user behavior.
The system "scores" visitors - letting us know if they were "highly active," "fairly active," and "not so active."
When you click into an individual journey, the system tells you how long the user was on each page, what actions they took, and more.
It's so much easier to gather insights from this particular visualization.

Key features

Action Management
Activity Tracking
Alerts / Escalation
Analytics/ROI Tracking
Attribution Modeling
Audience Targeting
Behavioral Analytics
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Tracking
Channel Attribution
Channel Management
Collaboration Tools
Conversion Rate Optimization
Conversion Tracking
Cross Channel Attribution
Customer Activity Tracking
Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Profiles
Customer Segmentation
Data Discovery
Data Import/Export
Data Visualization
Email Marketing
Event Logs
Event Tracking
Event Triggered Actions
For Mobile
For Websites
Goal Setting / Tracking
Multi-Touch Attribution
Multiple Site Management
Pageview Tracking
Performance Metrics
Predictive Analytics
Real Time Monitoring
Referral Tracking
Reporting & Statistics
Resource Management
Self Service Data Preparation
Self-service Analytics
Social Media Monitoring
Time on Site Tracking
Trend Analysis
Usability Testing
User Interaction Tracking
User Journeys
User Research Analysis
Visitor Tracking
Visual Analytics
Web Traffic Reporting
Website Analytics

Start Free Trial: No Credit Card Needed.


Encryption of sensitive data at rest.
HTTPS for all pages (web-based apps).

Five Ways Oribi Goes Beyond Google Analytics
We’ve introduced both platforms and explained why you should consider using them, but this is a comparison review. Therefore, it’s only fair we look at the two in the same conversation. If you love Google Analytics, there’s no need to get rid of it immediately and lose all the data you’ve built. However, Google Analytics does have its limitations, and this is important to remember.

Individual Tracking

It’s good to know what groups of people are doing, but sometimes you need to dig deeper, and this is where Oribi comes in. With this platform, you’ll have access to information on individual users. That’s right, you can learn who they are, how they behave on your website, what actions they perform, and much more.

As you may know, Google Analytics is severely restricted in this regard and they aren’t allowed to send personal information. Sadly, this means there’s a goldmine of data tucked away; Oribi provides you with access to this data.

Where did they first come into contact with your brand? Where are they located? When did they sign up? What pages did they visit? Did they reach the checkout page? All these questions will now have answers and you can learn about the typical journeys that your leads take as they come to your website from various sources.

Multiple Dimensions

With Google Analytics, you’re limited to two dimensions which can be incredibly restrictive when you’re making the effort to really understand the data and how you can grow. For example, you might want to see how many users came from mobile, Facebook, and are located in the United States. After, you might want to switch it up a little and go with location first. With Google, this simply isn’t possible.

Over the years, we’ve spoken with many Google Analytics users who feel disappointed they can’t see how many users came through a specific marketing channel, landing on a certain page, and using a specific platform. At any one time, you can only see two dimensions. In a data-driven world, we believe three dimensions is a necessity and it’s another reason why Oribi has gained in popularity in recent years.

Guidance and Support

As one of the biggest companies in the world, trying to get in touch with Google’s customer support team can be challenging. Considering the intricacies that can come with Google Analytics, a helping hand would go a long way. Unfortunately, your only option is a help center with articles and a help forum.

Though somewhat understandable, the lack of support provided by Google can be frustrating. Instead of getting into the data properly, you find yourself reading endless articles just trying to find an answer to your question. Some people are able to get support from Google, but they spend over $100,000 each year for the premium version.

As you’ve probably guessed at this point, Oribi has a fantastic customer support team that can be accessed through email and phone.

Events-Based Analytics

If we were to compare Oribi and Google Analytics in one sentence, it would be this: Google focuses on traffic while Oribi goes deeper into events, users, and conversions. With events and conversions data playing an important role these days, this is a severe weak point for Google. How are you supposed to optimize your marketing efforts without it?

With Oribi, this simple addition will provide you with endless opportunities to improve the sales funnel and landing pages.

Explaining the Why

As the fifth limitation for Google Analytics, there’s a big difference between knowing what is happening and understanding why it’s happening. With Google, you won’t be able to move for the ‘what’; it’s everywhere and you have hundreds of metrics to learn exactly what’s going on with your website and business. However, it doesn’t really explain why. Sure, you might have fewer conversions from one month to the next, but why has this occurred?

As an event-based analytics tool, Oribi is better positioned to explain. Once you know what caused the drop or spike in conversions, you can continually improve your service. If something in particular worked well, you’ll know to do it again and again.


It was about time that someone gave Google Analytics a run for their money, but that means it must cost an arm and a leg. I’ll give it to you that the software costs more than Google Analytics does – because it is free – but the price is something you can sell internally and tracking your return on investment is pretty easy.

Oribi is priced by visitors/month depending on your business type. They break it down to “business” “ecommerce” and “agency”. The main factor (outside of the obvious benefits over Google Analytics) that differentiates this service is their monthly optimization calls and custom events support. That means if you are already paying for a Google Tag Manager freelancer or an analytics consultant, their costs go towards your ROI. That to me means a strong case for the switch and investment. It tips the scales in my opinion. If you are looking to poke around things and see some of these features yourself, they do have a free trial that opens up all the feature set. Like the account, it does take 24 hours to populate your data but afterwards you will be able to see the entire suite of features.


They make me feel like a partner in my business that wants me to succeed.

We'd been looking for behavioural analytics software for some time but always been priced out by the high costs.
Oribi fit perfectly into our modest budget and was incredibly easy to set up and use.

What I like is they have an easy to read funnel, correlation between behaviors and just a very easy to read analytics that is packed with graphics that can be pulled onto a deck.


Need to improve there customer service response.


For those of you looking for a TL;DR, here are the highlights of this Oribi review. Google Analytics is good, but limited and confusing to many. If you are frustrated with Google Analytics, you should at least try Oribi. The setup is a bit easier, but more importantly, the data is richer and more tailored to the user. The trends and insight you will get out of it is worth the 24 hours it takes to get the data from your website. If you are in ecommerce, marketing, or a marketing agency there are various features in Oribi that will help you get real value and action items from your website analytics.

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.



Dominic Victor

"A professional consultant for daily rituals and habits that promote personal growth and long-term success."