PolkaBTC: Last Testnet Challenges before Launch!

Dominik Harz
2 min readJun 2, 2021


We are launching new challenges on https://beta.polkabtc.io/. For a chance to earn some DOT, participate in our new two challenges.

Beta Testnet

Our beta testnet on https://beta.polkabtc.io/ has been super successful thus far. Over 2200 minting operations of PolkaBTC with 140+ Vaults speaks for itself. Considering the scarcity of testnet BTC, having over 22 BTC locked also makes us at Interlay very happy. A big thanks to our early community!

Based on the ton of feedback (600+ feedback forms in total!), we are restarting the bridge with all the latest updates. So stay tuned for incoming updates and new features as well.

New Challenges — 400 DOT up for grabs

We have two new challenges launching. The goal: stress test the Beta testnet!

Pretty much anything is fair game in this iteration. Feel free to write your own bots, scripts, and other code. We want to stress our system to see how it will perform under high usage.

King of the Hill — 200 DOT

Who can run the most successful Vault and Relayer?

In this challenge, you should try to maximize your SLA score. The top 5% Vaults are awarded 75 DOT in total per week. The top 5% Relayers are awarded 25 DOT in total per week.This challenge will run for two weeks.

If you want to figure out how to best increase your SLA score, here are pointers what has an impact on our SLA for Vaults and Relayers.

Full details: https://docs.polkabtc.io/#/start/beta?id=best-vaults-and-relayers-200-dot

Lottery — 200 DOT

Who will be the lucky one?

For four weeks in a row, we will pay 20 DOT to a randomly selected issue and redeem request as well as 10 DOT to a randomly selected replace request.

The more issue and redeem requests you do, the higher the chance of success. Manual work or using bots via polkabtc.js library — the more the merrier.

More details: https://docs.polkabtc.io/#/start/beta?id=lottery-200-dot

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