What I’ve learned developing so far

Dominik García
2 min readNov 6, 2015


I’ve been developing for at least 8 years. I started out learning Python, then C and C++ and finally I moved onto web development. I tried out PHP(vanilla), RoR, Grails, ASP, Django and finally Node.js.

For most of the last few years I’ve been using Node.js for most of my own projects, I even contributed to Kraken.js and created an npm module.

Then I got overwhelmed and started looking for something else and that’s around the time I started using Pyramid and Golang. I fell in love with Pyramid for web development and Golang to develop tools for my personal usage. I loved that Pyramid offered different ways to start a project and I prefered a lot the way things are done in Pyramid in comparison to Django for example.

Then came React.js, which in my opinion is the most beautiful way to develop ever created, even though it does not apply to every use case, but when it does it takes a lot of the pain aways of developing a web application with its reactive approach to developing and a syntax that is so different, but feels so natural and simple.

Lately I realized that I want to help make people’s life easier through AI, so I decided to start creating small tools that help me in my daily life and that someday I can transform in something to make others life easier. So now a days I’m 24/7 developing in Python and Golang, which I both love, even though I feel a lot more comfortable writing Golang code, it feels a lot cleaner and maintainable, but that is just my opinion.

What I’ve learned through all these years is that we must try a lot of things, a lot of languages to being able to find what we really love and can relate to. Now I feel a lot more motivated to code when I wake up, because I feel that I will be able to create something that makes people’s life easier, by feeling more comfortable with the area I’m in.



Dominik García

CS Student. Romantic. Most of problems can be solved with code, but love isn’t one.